Okay so Christmas is here and gone. I still can't even believe that it over. It never really felt like Christmas this year. It was great to spend time with family and get awesome gifts. James and I opened our gifts Christmas Eve before church since we were going to have a busy Christmas. we both got GPS's and some other small things. We went to church on Christmas Eve with my parents and then stayed at their house. On Christmas morning we headed to Danny and Shannon's house to have brunch with the whole Harper, Beckman, Boyer family. It was good to see everyone and with it being Brayden's first Christmas we all got to see him on Christmas morning. After we finished up breakfast we headed to my parents house to do gifts with my side of the family. James got a new grill, a wii game and a few other things. I got a mixed photo frame of our engagement pictures, a wii game, the complete series of I LOVE LUCY and some other things. My parents got James and I a down comforter for our bed which was nice since I had been wanting one for awhile, but they are just to expensive. After gifts with my family we headed over to James's dad's house to do gift with that side of the family. Its a pretty simple Christmas with that side. We got money and gift cards which is actually better then gifts on that side, it works a lot easier. On Friday James had to work (and the whole weekend) so I headed to Rosharon with my family to visit some of my brother's family that lives down there. It was good to see them since I don't see them much. I probably wont see them again until the wedding and that is if they all come. Over all Christmas was pretty good. I just hope next year it actually feels a little more like Christmas. Now on to New Years, Valentines Day, Easter then the wedding. Pray that I stay sane until then.
I am so excited that Christmas is almost here. James and I have finished all of our Christmas shopping and everything is wrapped and under the tree. It's shocking that we were done shopping so early. We have a busy Christmas day this year too. We are doing out Christmas in the morning, heading to Danny & Shannon's for a brunch, then going to my parents house to do gifts with them then we have to swing by James's dad's house to do Christmas with them. Needless to say I am already tired just thinking about all the things we have to do that day. In other news, I was given a complete clean bill of health from the doctors all thought I still don't feel 100% like myself but I just try to ignore it and I am just hoping all of this is just anxiety about our wedding. Sometimes I feel pretty good and then other days I feel like crap, basically like death. James says it is all in my head, and that very well could be true, I just wish I felt like myself again. I am also very excited that Vicki will be here the whole month of April. We never get to spend that much time together since she moved to NY. Anyway, I guess I better get back to work even though the kid is in school.
P.S. Vicki took her LSATs again so pray that she does good this time so she can apply to Law School again and maybe just maybe she will apply to a school here in Texas and decided to come down here, I know she wants to go back to UB again but I sure would like her to come to school in Texas!
Only 4 1/2 months to go until our wedding. It feels like the time is flying by. Everything is done so now we are just enjoying the time together until the big day. So things that have been going on in our lives. The first part of November I went to the emergency room because my heart was racing. It had done the same thing like 6 years ago and the doctors said it was just from caffeine. Well I was in the ER for like 2 hours and they didn't find anything so they sent me home and told me to follow up with my doctor and a cardiologist (I think I spelled that wrong). Anyways so the cardiologist had me wear a heart monitor for 21 days and nothing was abnormal on that so my doctor did blood work and he couldn't find anything. So basically I just have to live with my heart feeling like it is racing. It is actually common in healthy women my age and there is not diagnosis for it. I am thinking it is stress or anxiety. Anyways, James is still working a lot and I am hoping he decides to switch jobs sometime soon. We are loving our new place and are actually thinking about buying our first house next Fall. I have been talking with a realtor and a loan agent, so that is pretty exciting. On other notes, Brayden is getting so big and so cute. He is almost 4 months old and for my own EXCITEMENT Vicki is coming down for the whole month of April and I totally can not wait. We are going to have so much fun. Enough blogging for the day and sorry for rambling on. I'll write more later.
Okay so tomorrow is Halloween. Usually I am really excited about it because I used to dress up and go trick or treating with the Davenport boys, but since I am working with a different family now the fun isn't there. Yeah they take their son trick or treating, but its not the same. I guess its because I don't have that bond with this little boy. He is going as Handy Mandy and once he is done trick or treating he can't even eat the candy because they don't want him to eat sweets like that. I mean that is a good rule, but come on its Halloween. I could turn this whole blog entry into what I don't like about my job, but I will keep that to myself. Anyways so tomorrow instead of dressing up and going with the kids I will be handing out candy at our house that we decorated for the first time. I am still looking forward to it but its just not the same. At least in a couple of years I can go with my nephew and hopefully I will have my own kids to take too. Well off to work I go!
So blogging is the new things with everyone so James and I have decided to join in. We have only 6 months to go before we get married. Everything is booked and set to go and I am so excited. We are doing our engagement pictures November 16 and I am doing my Bridals the day before. I am totally in love with my dress and it looks good with the veil and jewelry. I could go on and on about our wedding, but then I would never stop. You can check out our website on the knot if you want all the info on our upcoming wedding. Hopefully I can keep this updated but with doing wedding things, working and James always working its hard to find the time to blog.