I just booked my last few OB appointments. It feels really weird to know that she is almost here. It seem like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. I am very excited for her to be here and finally see what she looks like and everything. I will be going to the doctor on Thursday and hopefully we will have a better idea of when she will be here. Only 6 or less short weeks. I am sure they will drag on for me though.
I have noticed in the past couple of days I have become nervous about labor. I have no idea what it feels like and that somewhat scares me. I have a somewhat high pain tolerance so I guess that is going to be a good thing. People have told me I should do the whole delivery without any drugs! I give props to the women who can do that, but I somehow think I am not going to be one of them. Yes our bodies are built for childbirth but I mean come on. For those of you who have been through it before probably know what I am talking about. I can't be the only one that is a little freaked out about everything that happens once you are in labor. I know Kelbie and I are in good hands once we are at the hospital and that they are trained for all kinds of situations, but I how will I actually know when it is time to go to the hospital versus waiting at home until my contractions are closer together. James has been through this before so that makes me feel a little bit better, but I am almost 90% sure he will be at work when Kelbie decides she is ready to come so that leaves me by myself to make the decision on when it is time. I do have my OB on speed dial though so that is a good thing.
I feel like I am freaking out for nothing. I am sure everything will run smoothly, it is just my first time jitters getting to me. Once Kelbie is here I know I will be fine. I have been around kids for so many years that once she is home with us, I got it covered. Its the part before she is here that I have never done before or been around so it is hard to feel at least a little bit prepared. Anyways enough about my worries. I know God is taking care of her and I and that he will make sure everything goes according to plan and safely.
My next doctors appointment is on Thursday so I will hopefully know more then and will be sure to post any updates and a new picture. I feel like my pictures all look the same these days except I notice that she is now lower then she used to be. That has to be a good sign right?
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
This is how I feel.....
So being as I am almost 9 months pregnant this is how I feel... A beached whale!
It has been so hot outside that I never want to leave the house and when I do leave it isn't for very long. I have had time to catch up on a lot of things now that I am not working. My days usually consist of eating, watching TV, doing crosswords, reading a book, cleaning the house, doing laundry, playing with the dogs and making sure everything is ready for Kelbie. I do miss having a full time job as I am not one who likes to just sit at home, and I can not wait to be back full time in January. I have enjoyed being able to relax and pretty much do whatever whenever I want as that will soon change. I really can't wait for Kelbie to be here, but I know once she is my life is going to really change. I know James is ready for her to be here. It is going to be a hard transition for him only because of the hours he works, but he has done it before so hopefully it wont be too bad. Although he does have a totally different kind of job this time that is more demanding!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
32 Weeks
So today marks 32 weeks. Hard to believe time is going by so fast. We had our last ultrasound appointment today. James wasn't able to make it so I brought my mom, Shannon and Brayden. Of course Kelbie wanted nothing to do with the ultrasound today and it took forever to get all the pictures and measurements that they needed. We got to see some awesome pictures of her though. She has a full head of hair which is good for all the bows and headbands she has. We also go to see her blinking {eyelashes and all}, sucking her hand and yawning. She is weighing in at 5.5 lbs right now which puts her in the 84%. She is going to be a chunky, big baby. My OB isn't sure if she will be early, but if she keeps growing the way she is now, my OB wont let me go over my due date. I was hoping that Kelbie would be born on 10-10 but we will have to see. My OB will know better in about 3 weeks when I start going every week. She is actually going to be in Europe from the end of September until October 10th so if I want her to delivery Kelbie I will have to hold out until my due date. She might help out the labor process a few days early depending on how everything is going. I am just glad that everything with me and Kelbie is going good and she very well could be here in 5 to 6 weeks. I can not wait to meet her and James I think is ready too. Here are two 3D sonogram pictures of Kelbie and one of me this week.
We have our maternity photo shoot next Saturday and I am very excited I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. I will post some on here once we get our proofs. James is still working a bunch so that he can take off when Kelbie gets here and I am pretty much done working except for filling in on Sundays up until October 1st unless Kelbie comes early. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week and weekend.
We have our maternity photo shoot next Saturday and I am very excited I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. I will post some on here once we get our proofs. James is still working a bunch so that he can take off when Kelbie gets here and I am pretty much done working except for filling in on Sundays up until October 1st unless Kelbie comes early. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week and weekend.
32 weeks
Kelbie Yawning!
Sucking on her hand.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Going to school!
Brayden is ready to start school. I see him being one of the smartest 2 year old in his class as well as the one that will probably climb all over everything. I hope he does great and the adjustment goes smooth for him.
Brayden Turned 2!
We celebrated Brayden's 2nd Birthday this past weekend. Time has really flown by. He can now communicate with you and let you know what he wants as well as what things are. He is very smart. He is starting school here in a couple weeks as well.
Here are pictures from his 2nd birthday and then ones from his 1st birthday.
Happy 2nd Birthday!
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Foreman Brayden |
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Blowing out his own candles this year! |
Happy 1st Birthday!
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Farmer Brayden! |
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Diggin' into his first cake! |
Thursday, August 12, 2010
31 Weeks
Today marks 31 weeks and I am still feeling pretty good. I have become more tired lately and usually can't get comfortable but hey its all part of being pregnant. I have gotten the last few little things we need for Kelbie to arrive so that I am not out doing it a few weeks before she is born. Another appointment next week in an ultrasound so we will have a better idea of how big she is and if she might be here early. I amalso meeting with a couple pediatricians to see which one is going to be best for us. Hopefully that will go well. I will post again after my appointment next week. Here is a picture of me early on in the pregnancy and then today. BIG CHANGE!
15 weeks I believe
31 weeks
Thursday, August 5, 2010
70 Days
I can't believe that in 70 days or less Kelbie will be here. The doctors appointment today went well. My blood pressure is normal again and my weight gain isn't crazy, so I guess that mean I will still be watching my salt until she arrives. My OB says everything looks great. I did have to get a shot because of my blood type, which was expensive and didnt' exactly feel that great. It is to protect both of us during delivery as well as any other kids James and I might decide to have later on. I am hoping to have a better idea as to if they think she might be early or late here in the next 2-4 weeks. We get our last ultrasound in 2 weeks and they should be able to tell me her weight and everything. Very Exciting. It really does seem like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now we will be holding her very soon.
I am a planner and have already written out my list of things I need to pack in my hospital bag. I have packed the diaper bag for Kelbie with her take-home outfit and a few other outfits for the hospital. Also included a blanket, headbands and bows and few other misc things that we might need. I probably will pack my hospital bag here in a few weeks once I stop working. You never know when she will want to make her appearance into the world, and I would like to be as ready as I can. If you have any suggestions of helpful things to pack for me, James or Kelbie please let me know.
The only other thing worrying me is the dogs. I really hope they will adjust well to her. We will be bringing home baby blankets for them to smell before she comes home. They have a lot of work to do on calming down and what not in order for this to work. I would really hate to have to find them a new home, but if that is what is best for Kelbie then that is what we will have to do. I am giving them about a month to adjust and make it work or I will be finding them a new home. James will probably tell everyone differently as he does not want to get rid or them.
I will be posting more as the rest of the time goes on. Probably weekly updates.I want to have everything documented and that way anyone who reads our blog will know what is going on and when she arrives. I know one person reads this blog who actually refuses to speak to us, so maybe they will come around and want to meet their granddaughter and if not then that is fine. I guess they can live her life through this blog. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
I am a planner and have already written out my list of things I need to pack in my hospital bag. I have packed the diaper bag for Kelbie with her take-home outfit and a few other outfits for the hospital. Also included a blanket, headbands and bows and few other misc things that we might need. I probably will pack my hospital bag here in a few weeks once I stop working. You never know when she will want to make her appearance into the world, and I would like to be as ready as I can. If you have any suggestions of helpful things to pack for me, James or Kelbie please let me know.
The only other thing worrying me is the dogs. I really hope they will adjust well to her. We will be bringing home baby blankets for them to smell before she comes home. They have a lot of work to do on calming down and what not in order for this to work. I would really hate to have to find them a new home, but if that is what is best for Kelbie then that is what we will have to do. I am giving them about a month to adjust and make it work or I will be finding them a new home. James will probably tell everyone differently as he does not want to get rid or them.
I will be posting more as the rest of the time goes on. Probably weekly updates.I want to have everything documented and that way anyone who reads our blog will know what is going on and when she arrives. I know one person reads this blog who actually refuses to speak to us, so maybe they will come around and want to meet their granddaughter and if not then that is fine. I guess they can live her life through this blog. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kelbie's Room
Well the nursery is done minus a shelf that needs to be put up on the wall and the new blinds that need to be hung. Here are the pictures of her closet and room.
She made out very well at her shower with clothes and other things.
Her bow hanger will go on the other wall once the shelf is up. Her Aunt Shannon made it for her.
A close up of her bedding.
Me at almost 30 weeks.She will be here before we know it. Time really has flown by!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Is it just me or is time flying by?
So October is fastly approach as I grow bigger and bigger as the days go by and more and more excited to meet Kelbie. I can't believe there is only months left. I was hoping to book us a Baby moon somewhere, but it looks like with James's work schedule being so busy and me not being able to travel after weeks, we will not be going anywhere, unless I can convince my Doc to let me travel at weeks.
August is a somewhat busy month for us. James just finished working on Extreme Makeover Home Edition, which he said he will of never do again. He literally worked about hours from Tuesday of last week until today and only slept about 8 of those. I am very glad that he is finally back home. The doggies and I missed him. I have to say had this come in September or October, I would not have been okay with him doing it. It was an amazing opportunity for him and the company thought and I am sad that I wasn't able to help out this time around.
Brayden will be turning 2 on the 14th and is having a Construction party. I am sure it is going to be blast as his parties usually are. They are very creative and I hope that I have the time and patience to throw amazing parties like that for Kelbie. Growing up I never had the extreme parties like kids these days do. Amazing to see how the times have changed.
I am very excited to have out Maternity Photo shoot the last weekend in August. Shannon found the lady for me. She shoot out of her home in Sienna or will go on location. We decided to shot in the studio because it has been so hot lately and I do not do well in this weather. She does some amazing work and I can't wait to see what ideas she comes up with for our shot.
We will also be attend a childbirth class over Labor Day weekend. I have heard from some people that these classes do no good once you are actually in labor, but I feel I might be a little less anxious if I go through the class and at least have a general idea of what to do. Its crazy to think that I will actually be using this stuff in a few weeks. A little over 10 weeks if she says in till her due date. I actually am hoping that she will be born on 10/10/10 just because I think that is a cool birthday, but I will wait until she is ready as long as it is not to soon.
I was hoping to book a Baby moon for James and I but it looks like that isn't going to happen. I am pretty sure my doctor isn't going to let me travel after 35 weeks and the next weekend that James can get away puts me at 36 weeks. I am hoping maybe she will let me go if we aren't going very far. I was looking at San Antonio, Austin or the Hill Country as my parents were going to go there for their Anniversary and use their timeshare and we were going to tag along. Now I am hoping that maybe James's boss will let us use his beach house and the whole family can go down for weekend just so we can get away before Kelbie is born. Our live are going to change once she is here, but I am hoping that they aren't going to change to much. We actually already have her 1st vacation planned for after Christmas and then my family is planning a vacation next summer if everything works out.
One another note, only 3 more weeks of work for me, besides filling in every once in awhile. I don't know how I really feel about that. I am excited to have the time off and get ready for our little one, but it will be weird not having to go into work. I love my job and will miss and will probably be ready to go back in January. I have basically worked since I was 16 so having the time off is going to take some adjusting too.
Well off to spend sometime with James and maybe enjoy a dinner out since we haven't seen each other in a few days. Post again later. Hope everyone has a great week!
August is a somewhat busy month for us. James just finished working on Extreme Makeover Home Edition, which he said he will of never do again. He literally worked about hours from Tuesday of last week until today and only slept about 8 of those. I am very glad that he is finally back home. The doggies and I missed him. I have to say had this come in September or October, I would not have been okay with him doing it. It was an amazing opportunity for him and the company thought and I am sad that I wasn't able to help out this time around.
Brayden will be turning 2 on the 14th and is having a Construction party. I am sure it is going to be blast as his parties usually are. They are very creative and I hope that I have the time and patience to throw amazing parties like that for Kelbie. Growing up I never had the extreme parties like kids these days do. Amazing to see how the times have changed.
I am very excited to have out Maternity Photo shoot the last weekend in August. Shannon found the lady for me. She shoot out of her home in Sienna or will go on location. We decided to shot in the studio because it has been so hot lately and I do not do well in this weather. She does some amazing work and I can't wait to see what ideas she comes up with for our shot.
We will also be attend a childbirth class over Labor Day weekend. I have heard from some people that these classes do no good once you are actually in labor, but I feel I might be a little less anxious if I go through the class and at least have a general idea of what to do. Its crazy to think that I will actually be using this stuff in a few weeks. A little over 10 weeks if she says in till her due date. I actually am hoping that she will be born on 10/10/10 just because I think that is a cool birthday, but I will wait until she is ready as long as it is not to soon.
I was hoping to book a Baby moon for James and I but it looks like that isn't going to happen. I am pretty sure my doctor isn't going to let me travel after 35 weeks and the next weekend that James can get away puts me at 36 weeks. I am hoping maybe she will let me go if we aren't going very far. I was looking at San Antonio, Austin or the Hill Country as my parents were going to go there for their Anniversary and use their timeshare and we were going to tag along. Now I am hoping that maybe James's boss will let us use his beach house and the whole family can go down for weekend just so we can get away before Kelbie is born. Our live are going to change once she is here, but I am hoping that they aren't going to change to much. We actually already have her 1st vacation planned for after Christmas and then my family is planning a vacation next summer if everything works out.
One another note, only 3 more weeks of work for me, besides filling in every once in awhile. I don't know how I really feel about that. I am excited to have the time off and get ready for our little one, but it will be weird not having to go into work. I love my job and will miss and will probably be ready to go back in January. I have basically worked since I was 16 so having the time off is going to take some adjusting too.
Well off to spend sometime with James and maybe enjoy a dinner out since we haven't seen each other in a few days. Post again later. Hope everyone has a great week!
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