Thursday, September 30, 2010
Almost There!
38 Weeks today and it seems that Miss Kelbie is going to stay in as long as she can. I have decided to just hang out and wait. I was trying to get her to come earl, but she isn't ready so I will just have to chill and wait. There was no change at my appointment yesterday. Been the same for about 2 weeks. Since my doctor is out of town until the 11th I will be seeing the nurse practitioner next week and she will hopefully be able to give me a better idea of what we are going to do. It seems we will probably induce on the 11th when my doctor gets back, but we have to see how everything is next week. I will keep everyone posted on when our little one will be here.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Now Considered Full Term
Miss Kelbie I believe is going to wait until the very last minute to come out. No changes at my appointment yesterday, so all I can do is wait. I was really hoping she would be ready before my doctor left, but I have been told that the doctors on call while she is gone are great and a lot like her. I am hoping she will hold out until my doctor gets back and induces me just because I really want my doctor to deliver her, but if she wants to come before then, I am okay with that as well. All my walking must not be helping to much, but I am going to continue to walk anyways. I know Kelbie is low and in the right position she just wants to stay in a little longer. I guess mommy and daddy will just have to wait patently (if that is possible).
Saturday, September 18, 2010
False Alarm
So yesterday I spent a few hours in hospital on the Labor and Delivery floor getting monitored. I totally thought my water had broke yesterday morning but I wasn't having any contractions. I called my doctor and she told me to go ahead and head in just to be checked. Needless to say NO baby. My water didn't break but I am glad I went in to just be checked. I had a really nice nurse and I at least got to see how things would work when we do check in. I also learned that I will be bringing my own pillows because the ones that they give you there are not comfortable at all. So that was my adventure for yesterday. I was a little nervous and scared when I thought it was really happening, but I knew if it was the real thing that I was ready. The Labor is the only thing that scares me about this whole thing. Well hopefully no more false alarms and she will be here soon.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
36 weeks down.
PROGRESS, PROGRESS, PROGRESS! Yay! There wasn't a lot of it, but at least there was something. I am really hoping she will be here soon on her own. When my doc was measuring my stomach, she had this funny look on her face. Not like a bad look though. Then she started feeling on my stomach and her comment was... "That is all baby, there is no more room in there for anything else". I guess that is a good thing. Maybe she will get tired of being cramped and want to come out. I am hoping she will be here on her own before the 30th when my doc leaves, but if she isnt' ready then that is fine, she can cook somemore. My doctor said that if she still isn't here by 10/11 when she gets back from vacation, she will be inducing me. I know everyone says inducing is awful, but that is what she thinks is best, becasue of Kelbie's size and her not having much room to move around. So mark your calenders, 10/11/10 will be the day if not before. I haven't really been having any contractions, but I have been having some pain that might be contractions, so I now just have to pay close attention to my body. I guess if I can't decided if I am having contractions, if my water breaks that will be my sign that its time to call the doctor. James and I are both ready for her to be here. Me more then him probably, but I know he is excited and ready for her.
If you can tell me what a contraction feels like that would be great. I know they are different for everyone but at least a general idea will help me know what to feel for.
Post more next week, unless things change. Pray for more progress. I have a feeling she is getting herself ready to come. Mommy intuition maybe! Only time will tell!
If you can tell me what a contraction feels like that would be great. I know they are different for everyone but at least a general idea will help me know what to feel for.
Post more next week, unless things change. Pray for more progress. I have a feeling she is getting herself ready to come. Mommy intuition maybe! Only time will tell!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
So after going to the Berry Center yesterday for a craft show my mom is now inspired to make tons of cute things for Kelbie. I say my mom because I have no creative ability when it comes to making things. She is now going to have a cute bow for each Holiday that she can wear on a headband until she gets enough hair on her head to wear then alone. We also got some really cute tutu ideas to make awesome outfits. I am very excited to see all the cute things my mom is going to make for her. It also turns out to be alot cheaper then buying them already made. I am also going to venture into making flower clips to wear. We found a great website to get the flowers and headbands cheap but they look easy enough to make. That is going to be my activity for the week. I will start with one flower and see how it looks before purchasing a bunch in colors she already doesnt' have.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Kelbie isn't ready for us to meet her yet!
35 weeks and no progress yet. Measuring 36 weeks though. If Kelbie is not here in 2 weeks then my OB and I are going to discuss either waiting it out or Inducing since she will be gone for 2 weeks. I am leaning more towards getting Kelbie here but if she thinks it is best to wait then that is what I will do.
On another baby note, my friend Valarie who was due on 10/3 had her little girl last night via C-section after attempting a normal delivery. They are both doing great. Adelyn Ruth Fallon was born at 8:30 pm weighing 5lbs 14 oz. I have not met her yet, but hope that I get to here in the next couple of weeks. The pictures of her look so cute.
Post again next week unless something changes between now and my next appointment. I am going to be doing a lot of walking this weekend to see if I can speed things along the natural way.
On another baby note, my friend Valarie who was due on 10/3 had her little girl last night via C-section after attempting a normal delivery. They are both doing great. Adelyn Ruth Fallon was born at 8:30 pm weighing 5lbs 14 oz. I have not met her yet, but hope that I get to here in the next couple of weeks. The pictures of her look so cute.
Post again next week unless something changes between now and my next appointment. I am going to be doing a lot of walking this weekend to see if I can speed things along the natural way.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
34 Weeks
Well today marks 34 weeks. We are in the home stretch now and I couldn't be more ready. I am so over being pregnant and just want Kelbie to be here. My doctors appointment went pretty good today. My blood pressure was high again, so I am going to watch my salt again this week and I have to check my blood pressure throughout the week and if it stays high or goes higher then it was today I have to call them and they will probably put me on medication for the last few weeks. I am hoping I can keep it under control myself because I really don't want to have to be on any medication. I have done good this whole time and I would hate for this to cause an issue so close to my due date. I start weekly visits next week and they will be able to tell each week if any progress is being made. I know that if she does not come on her own that when my OB gets back from Europe on 10-11 she will most likely induce me. They do not want me going over my due date. I guess that gives me something to look forward to even though I was kinda hoping I would get to meet Kelbie at the end of this month, but I can wait until she is ready or until the doctor tells me she has to be ready.
We got to view our Maternity Photos today and I love them. I wish I could order them all, but unfortunately I had to limit myself. I had about 11 to start with and have it down to 6 that I really really want. I will spend more and go all out when we do our Newborn photos here in a few weeks. She did a really good job and once she uploads them to her blog I will post the link on here so that you guys can see a few of them.
James and I will be taking our Childbirth class on Saturday and I am interested to see what it is all about. I know James isn't really that thrilled about going, but I want to go just so I have a general idea of what to expect and everything. We will probably not do it with our second child so I want to do it at least once. It is an all day things, so I am sure we will both be tired after the class. I am hoping I learn a lot and don't get to freaked out by what I might see or hear during this class. I have already register with the hospital so we are good to go on that. I am excited to see the hospital as I have never been into this hospital before and they have been doing a remodel the past year. I will probably feel more comfortable about everything once I go on a tour and see how everything is set up and done there.
I have the last meeting with a Pediatrician today, so it will be time to make a decision after talking with this one. I like the first one, but I wasn't in love with her, so hopefully this one will be a little better. If not I guess my search will continue. I never knew that it would be such a tough decision to make, but then again I have never had to to choose a doctor before.
We got to view our Maternity Photos today and I love them. I wish I could order them all, but unfortunately I had to limit myself. I had about 11 to start with and have it down to 6 that I really really want. I will spend more and go all out when we do our Newborn photos here in a few weeks. She did a really good job and once she uploads them to her blog I will post the link on here so that you guys can see a few of them.
James and I will be taking our Childbirth class on Saturday and I am interested to see what it is all about. I know James isn't really that thrilled about going, but I want to go just so I have a general idea of what to expect and everything. We will probably not do it with our second child so I want to do it at least once. It is an all day things, so I am sure we will both be tired after the class. I am hoping I learn a lot and don't get to freaked out by what I might see or hear during this class. I have already register with the hospital so we are good to go on that. I am excited to see the hospital as I have never been into this hospital before and they have been doing a remodel the past year. I will probably feel more comfortable about everything once I go on a tour and see how everything is set up and done there.
I have the last meeting with a Pediatrician today, so it will be time to make a decision after talking with this one. I like the first one, but I wasn't in love with her, so hopefully this one will be a little better. If not I guess my search will continue. I never knew that it would be such a tough decision to make, but then again I have never had to to choose a doctor before.
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34 Weeks with 1 BIG baby! |
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Playing with B!
Brayden came to play at our house for the first time without Danny and Shannon. We babysat him while they had a church meeting. It was good to have him over and let him explore our house so we know what we will eventually have to baby proof once Kelbie is moving around. I was worried about how the dogs were going to do. They are usually always in their cages or outside when we have people over just because they like to jump and lick alot. So when B got here I had them in their cages so that they could see him and he could see them without having them jump all over him and knock him over. After about45 minutes B asked if they dogs could come out so I thought I would give it a try. James wasn't home from work yet so it was just me holding B and making sure the dogs didn't scare him to bad. They did really well. A little bit of jumping, but then I sat down with B on my lap and they just licked him crazy for about 10 minutes and then went about doing their own thing. That made me much more relaxed knowing that they might actually do well once Kelbie is here. B had fun playing with his toys, some of our things and the dogs once James got home. Here are a few pictures of the evening.
Playing with the guitar
Hanging with Uncle James
Playing with Jersey
Playing tug-a-war mostly by himself. I was shocked
Jersey didn't knock him over, since she weighs so much!
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