Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. Ikea: over-hyped and confusing or genius furniture company? I personally have never bought anything from IKEA but I do like there stuff. Some of it I think is over priced and I would never pay the price for it, but I do like their design ideas and maybe one day my house will look a little like the IKEA catalog.

2. Your favorite interior-decorator-type person wants to makeover one room in your house. Which room do you choose and why? That is a tough one as I would like my whole house to be made over. I would probably have to choose the living/dinning room just because it is what everyone sees and it is the biggest space in our house.

3. Describe the furniture in your childhood bedroom. Did you like it? Where is that furniture now?
It was normal bedroom furniture. I had a day bed that is now in our house that will one day be Kelbies, I also had odds and ends for bookcases and what not most of which I am pretty sure my parents still have. My mom doesn't really like to give away anything. I guess it was okay. I kinda made my room my own and the furniture was just there.

4. When you’re done with furniture, what do you do with it? We usually keep it. The stuff that James had when we first got together eventually made its way to the dumpster in between our moves. The only thing I can think of that we still have of his is the dresser his step-mom gave him when he first moved down here that is know in Kelbie's closet.

5. My Pinterest furniture style could best be described as
antique/shabby chic
so random and varied it’s undefinable
I am going to have to go with RANDOM. There is so much stuff on Pinterest that I like that I think if I tried to put it all together people would think my house looked totally weird. Pinterest will be my new decorating bff over the summer when I have time to play around with all the stuff I want to do on there.

6. Name the most important furniture/toy in a toddler’s playroom. And why? Well the playroom is still our living room as the actually playroom has yet to be finished. I would say her favorite toy now (which really isn't a toy) would be her highchair or Jesery. It looks like Toys R Us in our house and she likes to play with the things that aren't really her toys.

7. Your parents (or grandparents or other relative) are giving away all their furniture. Which piece do you really want?The only thing I can think of that I would want from my parents house would be my great-grandmothers couch and chair, and then I wouldn't mind my parents knew couch they just bought. They actually have a bunch of furniture that I wouldn't totally  hate having. I can always find a place for furniture.

8. Your biggest furniture buying or home decorating regret? Well we haven't really bought much furniture on our own and I really don't have a decorating regret as of yet. We are still in the remodeling phase which I think is going to last forever.

9. $1000 gift card! Do you want it to Ethan Allen, ikea, Pottery Barn Kids? I guess IKEA, but I would much rather prefer something like Target, Walmart or something along those lines.

10. Bunk beds, loft beds, trundle beds, or canopy beds?
I am open to any really. Kelbie is going to have a day bed eventually and I believe it does have a trundle with it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pre School

So I did it. I enrolled Kelbie in Pre School. Well I guess its more like Toddler school. After looking at all the different options, tons of pre school but not many with extended day, I decided to put her in at Southminster. I say I because James didn't really do much in helping me pick one. We have been talking about putting her in one and the one I really wanted her in wont take her until she is 2 1/2 so that ruled that one out. We were going to do Kids R Kids but something in my gut was telling me that it really wasn't a good idea so Pre School it is.

I decided on Southminster because they do offer an extended day program, it was somewhat close to my house, the tuition wasn't totally crazy and I know a few people that have kids there. The little boy I nannied for a few years ago goes there and did while I was his nanny and so does Brayden. Brayden loves it and so does my sister-in-law. I never really hear anything bad about it. I also like that she will get a little bit of the church in her learning, which is something I want her to have since we don't go to church often.

There were two spots left and I had to have my application up there with my $150 deposit yesterday by 4pm. I made it there and she got the spot. I don't know much about what she will be doing just yet as the teacher calls during the summer to go over everything. She will go M,W,F from 9-2 and be in extended day before and after school. There will be a max of 8 kids in her class with the teacher and an aide.  We are going to have to make some adjustments over summer to get her used to their schedule, good thing I have summers off. My goal was to potty train this summer so I will be potty training, getting her on a new nap schedule and getting her used to napping on a mat instead of her bed or pac-n-play.

I am still looking for someone to watch her on Tuesday and Thursday since she wont be in school. I knew finding a sitter was hard, we got really lucky with the one we have had since Kelbie was 3 months. We are leaving that sitter in June and now I want someone who can come to our house to watch her on those two days. (If you are reading this and know anyone or want to do it yourself, if you live in SL I would consider taking her to your house if you didn't want to come to ours, Please let me know.) Sucky part about getting someone 2 days a week is I am sure they are going to want more then I am willing to pay for those days. One of my friends has offered to watch her at her house with her little girl as well and if I don't find anyone that is where she will be its just that she live in Pecan Grove and that is a big drive for us in the mornings as we would have to leave by like 615-630 for me to get to work on time.

Anyways, so we have made the step to Pre School and I really do feel that it is going to be a good choice. They will be mailing us our contract soon and once we sign that and pay another fee the spot it ours. If worse comes to worse and she doesn't like this school we will try some place different next year as she will be old enough to go to the one that I really want her to be at and will be able to 5 days a week.  I never thought I would be making a Pre School decision for my child when she was 17 months old had having to make sure her application was in by March to make sure she got a spot. It is crazy how competitive it is for pre school.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. Should we keep doing Ten on Tuesday?

I like it. I think it is fun to do and it give me a reason to update every week if I don't do it on my own. Some people might think it is annoying, but hey if they don't like reading it on my blog then they don't need to read my blog.

2. How do you pick out your sunglasses?
I don't really wear them anymore now that I wear my glasses all the time but I pick them out by whatever looks good. I like the bigger one over the lite ones.

3. Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day?
Not really. I wear green and I make sure Kelbie is wearing something cute and green, but I don't drink so I don't go out. If we got invited to a party I would go and have a good time. I know James would probably party it up if he got the chance.

4. Name 5 movies that you will never get sick of.
- Bridesmaids
- Christmas Vacation
- Big Mama's House
- Dirty Dancing
- Miss Congeniality

5. Name 1 book that you will never get sick of.
That is a hard one. I don't have just one book but an author. I love Janet Evanovich and her book series

6. Do you know any sign language?
Yes I took it for 3 years in High School and to be honest I don't remember as much as I thought I did. I would love to teach myself again so that I can teach Kelbie.

7. What is your favorite kind of Girl Scout cookie?
Thin Mints and Carmel Delights

8. Are you handy? (Can you fix or build anything?)
I wouldn't say I am handy, but I can fix and build small things. I never had to do any of this growing up and I still really don't but if I am the only one home and something has to be fixed right away I can usually figure it out.

9. In what form do you prefer your potatoes? (Baked, mashed, au gratin, hashbrowns, twice baked, etc.)
I prefer baked but I will eat just about any kind of potato.

10. Do you believe the saying “actions speak louder than words”?
In some cases yes. I depends on the situation

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Break Review

So Spring Break has come and gone. My how that week flew by. The fact that Kelbie was sick the Thursday and Friday before gave me an extended break, but it wasn't much fun when she wasn't feeling well. She finally kicked whatever it was on Sunday so we were able to spend most of the break doing things.

We had a great time playing with the Work girls on Monday. It is so cute to see Adelyn and Kelbie together. They play really well together. I love to see the height and weight difference on them as they are only a month apart but my child looks like she is months older. Adelyn is the sweetest thing. She kept coming up to me and giving me hugs and wanting to sit in my lap.

I had Kelbie evaluated for Speech on Tuesday. I was told it was going to take like an hour and a half but it ended up only taking about 30 minutes. The lady asked me a bunch of questions, some of which I felt like I didn't really know the answer too so I did my best to answer them. I haven't gotten the written results yet but from what we talked about Kelbie is above her age for the understanding but below her age on what I call the repeating. Basically she understands what you say to her and she is very into wanting you to tell her what things are but she will never repeat them back and she doesn't know many words. We start speech today, and will go twice a week for now. I plan on changing the times once school is out so that it better works with our schedule as the times we have now just really mess with our evening. I am very interested to see how Speech with help her.

The rest of our week was pretty mellow. I had scheduled her first dentist appointment for Wednesday but we ended up going over to my mom's so I canceled it so that she wasn't just a total mess as it was an afternoon appointment. Thursday we just ran some errands with my mom. Kelbie got a new doll stroller since her last one broke some how. She also convinced us to get her a new doll. So now she has two dolls with outfits. I made a special bin for all her doll stuff as she is getting more and more, she also got a few things that used to be mine. I love that she loves her dolls so much.

Friday we headed to the Zoo with my mom, Shannon, Brayden, Trystan and Lauren. Kelbie loves the Zoo and I think it will be regular thing during the summer. My mom bought a membership so that will save us some money if we go alot. She loves looking at all the animals. I would have to say that she really loved the CATS. We didn't see the monkeys this time which is also one of her favorites. Next time we are going to ride the train which we have yet to do with her and we have been a few times since she was born. I posted pictures from the Zoo on facebook, but I will have to post some of them on here when I get home. 

James spent most of my break working so it was just me and Kelbie alot of the time. Kelbie's new thing is to draw/color. I made her a craft box a few months ago with a bunch of different things in it and have it by the DVDs so that she can go get whatever she wants out it. Well the whole week our colors, paper and coloring books never left the middle of the living room floor. I do have to say it keeps her entertained for a long period of time. She has so many toys that I feel like a lot of them don't get played with because she only plays with certain ones.

Sunday Brayden and Trystan got Baptized so we headed out to Sienna to go to there church to be part of that. We ended up leaving early since Kelbie was beyond tired and hungry. She wouldn't even eat lunch when we got home. All she wanted was her milk and her bed. I ended up waking her up around 4pm so that she would go to bed. I worked out well as James had just gotten home so he was able to play with her for a bit while I got some laundry done.

So over all our break we pretty good. I am looking forward to the summer when it will be me and her all the time. We have decided to pull her out of her sitters since I will be home. I plan to enroll her in a gymnastics class somewhere so that we at least have one thing a week to do. I am also hoping to get lots of Pinterest crafts done, some swimming/tanning for me and hopefully some play dates with our friends we haven't seen in forever.  Only 10 more weeks of school before I get to have like 10 weeks off before school starts back up.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Easter/18 month Photos

So we went early to get her pictures taken. She really isn't 18 months yet but I am going to say that these pictures are her 18 months. Hope you enjoy them. I think they actually did a pretty good job this time. They are a little blurry, I don't have a scanner so I have to take a picture of the picture and my camera isn't the best.

Happy Easter 2012
Peek A Boo
Watering the flowers
"What, I know I look cute in these bunny ears"
She was obsessed with this wagon.
I can't believe she is already 18 months.
I think she was trying to jump, but I am not totally sure!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring Break?

So Spring Break starts next week and I thought I was going to spend it play with Kelbie, getting her playroom ready and painting her bathroom. Instead I have booked us with doctors appointments since I am off. There is still some spare time over the week we might be able to squeeze something in but as you can see below I have something everyday pretty much....

Monday- Play date with a friend we haven't seen since Kelbie's birthday.

Tuesday- Kelbie's speech evaluation at 9am. Supposed to take 1.5 hours. Still confused as to what they do with a 17 month old who doesn't talk for that long, but we shall see.

Wednesday- Kelbie's 1st dentist appointment at 3:30pm. I guess kids are supposed to go by their first birthday. Well we are a little behind and now that I know James and dental insurance on her we will be taking advantage of it.

Thursday- I am going to get yet another quote on the dental work I need to get done. It has been 4 months since the first estimate and I just can't afford it so I am hoping this place can work out a better payment plan then the other two I have seen. This is at 10am and Nana is coming to watch Kelbie so maybe we can do something fun in the afternoon.

Friday- The only day of the whole break I have nothing planned. Maybe this would be a good Zoo day. The one thing I hate about Spring Break and the Summer is that everyone and I mean everyone is out at the Zoo or anywhere else I want to go. I hate tons of people when we are trying to do something fun.

So as you can see my Spring Break is booked. Its not awful but its still busier then I had originally planned. Maybe the summer with be the time for all the house projects I want to get done and all the Pinterest crafts I want to do. At least it is a week of not having to go to work so I can look at the positive of making my break a little crazy.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. What are your designated chores in your home?

Everything. I do it all. James does mow the grass but everything else is me. Every now and then James will help me straighten up but I am the one that spends the most time cleaning.

2. What is your least favorite chore to do around the house?
Cleaning the Cat pan and Mopping. My version of mopping is with a swiffer wet jet. It gets the job done and every once in awhile I pull out the actual mop and scrub the floors.

3. What was your designated chore growing up?
I mowed the grass, cleaned my room, I think I had to clean the cat pan too. I don't really remember every chore I had to do.

4. Did you get paid to do chores or was your allowance connected to you completing your chores?
I got paid to do chores if they got done but most of the time I could just ask for money or whatever it was that I wanted and I would get it. I did have to get a job when I turned 16 and start paying for the extra things I wanted.

5. If you had a bit of extra money, would you hire a cleaning person or would you save the money for something else?
I would love to have a cleaning lady. I only want her to come like once a month to do the major cleaning. I don't really mind the basic cleaning. James and I have often talked about a cleaning lady but it just doesn't fit into our budget but maybe one day.

6. What chores will you make your kids do around the house?
Cleaning up their room and toys, Helping with the animals. I am sure we will come up with more once they are older but I know those are the two that will happen for sure.

7. How frequently do you do laundry? Wash your sheets? Dust?
I try to do a load or two during the week but it usually ends up all happening on the weekend. Washing sheets happens about every other week sometimes every week. I really just depends. Dusting well the dust accumulates like crazy in my house so I do light dusting every weekend and every once in a blue moon I do a deep dust with furniture polish and everything.

8. Do you have a designated “chore day” during the week?
Usually Saturday. I do a little cleaning everyday but Saturday is usually the day that I try to get the majority of things done and it usually continues into Sunday. I don't spend the whole day cleaning I do other things in between but it takes up most of my weekends.

9. What is your favorite chore–if such a thing exists?
Vacuuming isn't to bad. I also like doing laundry. The washing part not the putting away. Kelbie's clothes always seem to get put away but James and mine tend to stay in a basket for about a week.

10. Do you do anything to help pass the time while doing chores (music, TV, etc.)?
TV, Playing with Kelbie, Relaxing. That is probably why it takes me all weekend to do chores. I should just do all the cleaning first thing and then I would have the rest of the day/weekend to do whatever it was that I wanted to do.