Two Year Stats:
Weight: 30 lbs (99.26%)
Height: 37.25in (99.48%)
Head: 20in (85%)
Since her birthday fell on a Thursday we didn't do much. We both had to work and she was with the sitter. She did get to open/see her presents before we left for work. She seems to really enjoy the play kitchen and she got more things for it at her birthday party. Her birthday also had a pretty cool number order this year. 10-11-12! I think it is pretty cool but I might be one of the only ones. I also was trying to have her birthday be 10-10-10. I know she would have hated that date later on in life.
She has definitely hit the terrible two's. They aren't awful but they aren't fun either. I swear they started the day of her 2nd birthday. Even in her moods she is still the light of my life. She is growing like a weed and very independent. She has hit the shy stage though which at times can be a good thing. She still isn't talking much but I would say knows about 25 words or so. If you say them first she will repeat them and every once in a while I hear her say them with no help.
She has become quite the picky eater, so I am one of those mom's that gives her whatever she wants to eat as long as it isn't always junk food. It is also impossible to get her to stand or sit still and smile for a picture. I take what I can get theses days. Also her favorite word is NO, but then again it might be every two year olds favorite word.
We celebrated with friends and family on Saturday and I will post about that later. My camera has bitten the dust so I had to rely on my sister-in-law and mom for pictures. I will be camera shopping this week or the next. Can't be without a camera for two long. She is always doing something worth taking a picture of. Enjoy a few pictures from her birthday.
Last night of being 1! |
Checking out the kitchen |
Opening up gifts |
She loves the cooking mit the most |
Time for birthday cake. |
Blowing out her candles |
Enjoying the icing, but not the cake |