Jaxon developed a very strange rash the Saturday before Thanksgiving break so we ended up at the Pediatricians office instead at cousin Trystan's birthday party. He enjoyed playing in the waiting room I think more then any other kid that was there.
The following Monday Kelbie had her tonsils out plus a tube put in her ear and a small amount of tissue from her adenoids removed. We basically spent then entire day at Texas Children's. She had a hard time with the recovery. When she first woke up after the surgery she was in a lot of pain so they had to give her some morphine which caused her to go back to sleep. When she finally woke up from that she was still in a bunch of pain. They gave her some Tylenol and we got her to drink a sprite and eat half a Popsicle. That was good enough for them to send us home. I do have to say the anesthesiologist was amazing with her and came to check on her several times in recovery. After about 3 days she was back to her old self wanting to play outside and eat all the stuff she couldn't before. She still had to take it easy until she went back to school. She did work me with the ice cream though. I finally had to get rid of the little cups so that she didn't ask anymore. Now 10 days after her surgery you never would know that she had them done.

He loved taking Kelbie's ponies and then hiding behind the table thinking no one could see him. |
Finally awake and watching My Little Pony |
Pass out at home. She spent the the majority of the night and next day sleeping in my bed. |
up and ready for some ice cream |