Kelbie and Jaxon got Wubble Bubbles for Christmas and finally decided to blow one up. As you can see they had a blast with it for about 3 minutes until Jaxon found a pencil Kelbie had left out and popped while James had his face smashed into it. (That part was a little funny but James said it hurt)

Jaxon found the playhouse and loves going in and out of the door. He even brought the chairs in so he could chill. So glad he is at an age that him and Kelbie can do a lot of the same outside things together. He had a blast. Then we cleaned the water table and they had even more fun splashing each other and getting totally soaked.
Kelbie and I went walking with some ladies from work and she of course couldn't leave the park without playing on the playground. It would have been more fun if we weren't having to watch everything we did because some smaller kids kept running in front of her swinging and she would knock them over. It was clear their parents weren't paying attention and only brought the kids to the park so they could have social hour.