Saturday, January 30, 2016

January Zoo Visit

Kelbie had been asking to go the zoo for what seemed like forever, so since the weather was finally nice again the kids and I headed out. It was crazy busy for a Sunday morning, but we saw most of the animals, which were all out, including the snake who were very active. The kids had a great time and were ready to crash on the way home.

This is her Diva pose.

Enjoying a ANIMAL cookie 

He loved watching the snake slither around.

Friday, January 8, 2016

MIsc December Photos

Super Heros
I left the kids with James to go to the store and
to get a pedicure and this is how I found them when
I got home, they never sleep next to each other.

Wagon Rides

His first ice cream drumstick

Santa's Elves hard at work

Playdate with Adelyn and Emrick

Modeling her Inside Out Pjs

Rosie 2015

Poor Rosie she didn't get very creative this year. Maybe she will come back next year with more energy and some creative ideas. Here is what I remembered to take a picture of.