Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back Problems

So I went to the Chiropractor Friday since my back has totally been killing me. I used to go to him all the time in High School, so needless to say it has been awhile. So since I hadn't been in forever I was considered a new patient and had to do all the exams and stuff again. Well while he was doing the exam he noticed that my reflex on my left leg was delayed and that it is weaker then my right. I never would have noticed any of this if I hadn't gone in for what I thought was just going to be an adjustment. So anyway he is conserned about what he found. I have new strechs that I have to do 3 times a day which he hopes is going to loses the pressure off my lower back and allow my nerves to be normal again. I have to go see him twice next week and then I am probably going to cut down to only once a week because of the price. So needless to say I am a little worried with what he found Friday and I am hoping that the strechs and what not will help fix the problem, if not I am not sure what the  next step is going to be.  I will find out more Monday morning when I go in and he tells me what his thoughts are on the whole appointment from Friday. My back has been killing me even more so since Friday. I could use some prayers if you could send them my way I would appreciate it. I will keep you up to date when I know more.

On another note the jobs are going great, James is working a decent amount and our Kansas trip has been moved to the Thanksgiving Holiday. I was really looking forward to going up there and spending time with his family, but now maybe since we are going over the Holidays I will get to meet more of his family then I did the last time we went up there.

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