Kelbie Cheyenne Willyard
was born October 11, 2010 at 11:24pm. She weighted 9lbs 11oz and 20.5 in. long. She is absolutely perfect and healthy. Her right ear did not fully develop right so we will be talking to the Pediatrician here at the hospital today to see what our options are.
We went into the hospital at 7:30 am to be induced. The process wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be. I was hooked up to the iv and medicine by 8. At around 1pm my doctor came into break my water in hopes of speeding things up. Needless to say it didn't. I was still 1cm dilated and my cervix was still rather hard. My doctor had another doctor come in at around 4pm to make sure all of the water in my bag was out and while he was doing just a normal exam my water completely broke. That was a good thing. Shortly after that my Doctor had them start the Epidural because it can speed up labor. It worked for me. By 7pm I had dilated to a 5 and my cervix was completely thinned out. About 20 mins later I could feel every contraction I was having and was in horrible pain and the medicine for the Epidural wasn't working, so they decided to redo the Epidural and it defiantly worked that time. By 9pm I was dilated to a 9 and everything went so fast from there. I started pushing at about 10pm and I thought she would come out pretty fast but she waited until she was ready and the doctor was there. I was then again feeling my contractions so basically I got to experience delivering such a big baby basically being able to feel a lot of what was going on.
I knew she was going to be a big baby but I was shocked when they told me how big she really was. I couldn't believe that I was able to deliver such a big baby naturally. It was a weird feeling when they pulled her body out. Kinda felt alien like. It then took almost an hour to get me cleaned up and everything. Even my Doctor said that was the biggest baby she had delivered without a C-section. Needless to say it was a very long day and James and I have not slept much, but it was a very amazing day in all. Thanks to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers that you sent our way yesterday
1 comment:
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Good job on the delivery!!!
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