Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tongue Clipping

We well mostly I decided it was finally time to get Kelbie's tongue clipped. She has been tongue tight since birth and I was to nervous to get them to do it when she was that little. So now that she is older and starting to talk I have noticed that she doesn't pronounce much, which I thought was caused by her tongue so yesterday she had her tongue clipped.

James couldn't go with me so I took my mom along. Her surgery was scheduled for 7:30am which meant we had to be downtown at TCH by 6am. Talk about super early and Kelbie wasn't allowed to eat or drink after midnight. I was totally thinking that this was going to be a disaster and she was going to have a total meltdown from being hungry and up so early. She did great though. She didn't seem tired or hungry while we were there. She played with all the toys, looked at all the people and didn't seem to notice what was going on until right before they took her back to get her ready.

Once they called us back it didn't take long at all. The gave her some very "sexy" hospital pajamas to wear, I talked to the doctors and nurses and then they took her back. I don't think she cried when they took her back but I gave her kisses and once they took her I walked back to the waiting room as I didn't want her to see me and I didn't want to hear her cry.

The surgery didn't take long at all in fact we had just gone back the waiting room to eat when a doctor came in looking for us. Basically Kelbie's doctor had an emergency so she wasn't able to do the procedure and this doctor was already there waiting on her patient so she went ahead and did it for us. She was very nice and told us that everything went smooth and a nurse should be coming to get us soon as she was heading to recovery. We decided to wait outside in the hall because it was cooler and I guess long story short we missed the nurse who came to get us. They called my cell phone to ask where I was and that they had been looking for me as Kelbie was already in recovery awake and looking for me.

She was doing great when I got back there. She had already had a few bottles of apple juice or whatever they gave her and was basically ready to go home. We were only there about a total of 3 hours. She was a trooper. She was a little upset at first but calmed down once we were driving. She held up pretty well most of the morning. We came home and she ate breakfast like she had never seen food before and then tolerated some errands and by noon she was done. We headed back home and she slept for a good 3 hours until I woke her up so she would sleep at night. Overall I am very happy with the surgery and hoping she will be able to talk better now that she can move her tongue.

She is still a little unsure what that thing in her mouth is now that it moves more but she will get used to it in a few days. Here are a few pictures I snapped while we were there.  They next time she will have to be there for surgery is in about 3 years when they do her ear.

Reading her book while waiting to be called back

She didn't like the bracelet on her leg or the stylish pajamas

Finally figuring out what was going on, but she was somewhat content in the rocking chair

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas from Us to You!

Merry Christmas 2011

Christmas is done and gone and we had a blast this year. Kelbie got tons of stuff as usual but it was more controlled this year. We actually have a place for everything. My camera died on Christmas Eve so I don't have any of the pictures for that (they are on my mom's camera) so here are a few that I took on Christmas morning of Kelbie opening gifts and checking out her Santa gifts. She loved to open presents this year. She is a very neat unwrapper. I can't wait for next year when she knows more about what Christmas is. Enjoy these few pictures, the rest are on my Face book if you want to see them all. Hope everyone had a Awesome Christmas.
Santa brought her bath fizzes. She loves these things
She seemed excited about this gift

Playing with her new toys

Rudolph. She loved the bows over anything else

Unwrapping her gifts

Getting dressed to go out and see her Santa gift

Swinging on her new Swing set from Santa

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. What is your favorite online-only store?
***EBay or Amazon***

2. Do you enjoy wrapping gifts?
*** I guess, I don't do much wrapping unless its Christmas. My family says that I use to much tape when I wrap but I think I have gotten better about that over the
3. What is the temperature in your city today?
***57ish, getting colder which is nice***
4. What time do you eat dinner?
*** Between 6-7. Depends on what we are having, when I get it ready and what time James gets home***
5. Will you be making New Years Resolutions?
***No, never do. I can't keep up with them and its always the same one every year***
6. How old is your oldest pair of shoes that you still wear?
*** 3 years maybe, I do have a pair of tennis shoes my mom bought me my senior year of high school that I still wear every once in awhile, but I prefer my other tennis shoes more***

7. Do you have any restaurant phone numbers saved in your phone?
*** Yes, Panda Garden, Casa Ole, Wings & Things***

8. What is your favorite and least favorite letter to write in cursive?
*** Well I don't like cursive at all but when I do write it my favorite letter I guess would have to be I or A and the worst letter is Z, I never could/can figure out how to make the Z***
9. Do you know any good riddles?
*** Not really, I am sure if I thought about it I could think of one***

10. How do you feel about snow?
*** It is nice when we get it every few years. I would never live somewhere that is snowed all the time and I am not a huge fan of the cold weather so places up north are out of the question for my living***

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

10 on Tuesday

1. How do you eat your eggs?
*** Usually scrambled because its easy, but I also like fried and boiled***

2. Do you volunteer?
***No, there are things I would like to do but I just feel like I don't have alot of extra time with everything else I am doing. I could make time though I just haven't yet***

3. What’s your favorite brand of jeans?
*** Charollete Russe and New York & Co***

4. What was your child’s first word? Or what was your first word?
*** Mama, that is every babies first word pretty much***

5. Can you french braid?
***No I can barely even braid. I probably should figure it out since one day Kelbie will want her hair braided***

6. Do you prefer wide rule, college rule, or blank paper?
***I am not picky, whatever works. I prefer lines of some sort as I can not write straight to save my life***

7. Is there a specific treat do you always make during the holidays?
***Puppy Chow***

8. Do you have a KitchenAid mixer? Do you want one?
***No and I don't think I would ever use it if I had one, they look really cool though***

9. What kind of computer do you use?
***We have a Compaq I believe, we just got it a couple of months ago after being without one for like 6 monhts. I finally had to break down and get one***

10. Favorite Christmas movie?
***Four Christmas's, Christmas Vacation, Santa Claus, Christmas with the Kranks, Deck the Halls. I pretty much like every Christmas movie.***

Monday, December 12, 2011

Aggie Football

Okay so I was not to excited when A & M announced that they were leaving the Big 12 and heading to the SEC. I personally feel that they are going to get creamed every game. Lets face it the Aggies really aren't that great of a football team and they are now going to be playing against teams that are 15 times better then them.  You might as ask why I am writing this post now as this is old news. Well that is because with the U of H coach heading to A & M I feel we might have a chance to win some games next year. He did lead the Coogs to a 12-1 season. I guess only time will tell if this was a good choice for the Aggies. I will miss the famous Aggie/Longhorn game though. We will have to find a new team with the SEC that can be our rivals.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

ENT Yearly Update

Kelbie had her yearly follow up with the ENT on November 30th and things went pretty well. I am still not a fan of her ENT and I probably never will but she is the best so I will do my best to suck it up and make the best of it.  They did another hearing test and everything looked good. She wasn't to cooperative during one of the test where they put a thing in her ear to see how her ear drum reacts to the sound. She cried the whole time. I think most of that was because she was tired and it was way past her nap time. We will do it again in 6 months to a year, depending on when we can get in again.

When we went in the first time when she was 2 weeks old she needed to have her tongue clipped and I decided that I wasn't ready for that, since she would have been put under general anesthesia.  Well over the past year I have noticed that she really can't stick her tongue out as far as normal kids, maybe normal isn't the right word, but you know what I mean. I talked to the doctor when we were there and decided to go ahead and have it done. I feel like she isn't able to speak as well because of it and I am hoping it will  help once we get it done. We are scheduled for December 30th sometime in the morning to have it done at Texas Children's in the Medical Center. We wont know the time until the day before. It goes in order from youngest to oldest and she can't have anything to eat or drink after 2am the day of. I am hoping for the earliest appointment as she is going to be very upset that she can't do her normal morning routine.

This is supposed to be a very easy procedure but as a mom it freaks me out. I have been told it feels just like biting your tongue. I guess I am most nervous about her being under general anesthesia and what the recovery will be like. I will still be off for the Holiday so I will be able to be with the few days after while she recovers. Again I know it is a simply thing that is very common but I am still scared about it. She is my little girl. I can only image how I am going to be when she has to have her surgery on her ear when she is about five. Emotional wreak!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Photos Part 1

So our Christmas pictures were a bust and are going to try again this weekend, but Kelbie did let me get a few of her in front of the Christmas Tree and they turned out really cute, so until we get some good professional ones enjoy these... Merry Christmas from Kelbie!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

1. What are 3 things that are on your Christmas wish list?
* I have no idea. I am forgoing Christmas this year and least for myself with James and Kelbie. We don't really have the money so what I want can wait until we do. James got his gifts early and Kelbie will get hers on Christmas. I will wait and get mine after the holidays when money is a little better.

2. What’s your favorite Christmas song?
* I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. Totally spelled that wrong I am sure. I always know it is Christmas time when I hear that song on the radio. They don't play it very often and I actually haven't heard it yet, but I know they are playing it because some of my friends have heard it. I will hopefully hear it before Christmas.

3. Do you have a favorite band or singer that sings it especially awesome?
* Whoever sings it is the only one I know of that does sing it. I don't follow that stuff very much.

4. Have you heard about the website goodreads?
*Actually I think I have but I have never been to it. Isn't it a website that tells you about all the good books there are out there to read? Sounds interesting, I usually stick to my normal authors but if something sounds super awesome I might give it a try.

5. What are 3 books you want to read?
*Janet Evanovich # 17- Been trying to read this one for about 6 months now if not longer. I bought it right when it came out and have yet to get half way through. I don't have time to sit down and read like I used to. I could get through her books in like a day or two and now with a 14 month old I barely have time to watch my shows on DVR.
*Janet Evanovich #18
*Twilight Series- Yes I did write that. As much I think I am going to hate it and I already don't like the movies, I might give it a try and see if I can get into. I hear rave things about all of them.

6. Do you hunt deer?
*Nope, I could never do that. James wants to start hunting. I think it is a guy thing. I know girls do it but I am not that kinda girl. I avoid hitting squirrels at all cost. I am all about keeping things living except for geckos, ants, spiders and roaches, I can't stand those and I will kill them.

7. Have you started Christmas shopping? Are you completely finished?
* Yes I am about half way done. I am finding it hard to shop for a couple people on my list, but I will get it figured out. I will probably be the one that is our shopping December 23rd. I also have to get gifts for my secret Santa at work and some of my co-workers.

8. Did you shop on Black Friday? What was the best deal you got?
* I did shop black Friday, but I was not out there at midnight like everyone else. I only hit up Target and Walmart at about 9am. Walmart I was quite disappointed in. I didn't feel like their deals where any different then they are any other day, but Target I got some good deals on toys and dvds. I will be hitting Target again next year for sure.

9. What’s one holiday tradition your family has?
* We all get together either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, eat and open presents. James and I have decided we are going to start our own traditions soon. This year we are doing Christmas on Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas day we are going to spend together letting Kelbie enjoy her gifts from us and Santa.

10. How many blogs do you read? Do you subscribe/unsubscribe often or do you purge every once in a while?
* I have a few that I read, mostly people I went to school with that I like to see what they are up to. Most of us are having babies now so I really like to watch them grow.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


A. Age: 26

B. Bed Size: Queen

C. Chore that you hate: Cat Pan and Bathrooms

D. Dogs: Lizzie and Jersey

E. Essential start to your day: Breakfast of some sort

F. Favorite Color: Pink

G. Gold or Silver: Silver

H. Height: 5'11

I. Instruments you play: Used to play Clarinet

J. Job Title: Nurse/Counselor Aide

K. Kids: Stepson Josh who is 7 and Daughter Kelbie who is 13 months

L. Live: Sugar land, TX

M. Mother’s Name: Debbie

N. Nicknames: T, T T, Coconut, Tiff

O. Overnight hospital stays: When I had Kelbie

P. Pet peeve: Lazy people

Q. Quote from a movie: It isn't appropriate for blog but it is from Snakes on a Plane, not my favorite movie just a quote that I always remember.

R. Right or left handed: Right

S. Siblings: Older Brother Danny

T. Time you wake up: 5:30am on weekdays and I try to sleep till at least 7am on the weekends

U. Underwear: Yes I have lots of them, all different kinds and colors.

V. Vegetable you hate: Peas, Cauliflower, Beets
W. What makes you run late: Not knowing what I want to wear to work or if Kelbie over sleeps then it throws off my whole morning, but I am usually on time

X. X-Rays you’ve had: Arm, Back and Foot

Y. Yummy food that you make: Puppy Chow, Brownies, Pie
Z. Zoo Animal: Zebras, Lions, Seals, Monkeys, I just like going to the zoo, its so much fun and Kelbie loves is now too so it makes it even more fun.

Ten on Tuesday Part 2

1. What is your favorite month?
*** I have a couple and for different reasons. First I like APRIL, James and I got married in April but I have always like that month, I guess because the weather is a good combo of Texas weather. I also like JUNE and JULY simply because they are summer months and I love hot weather. Lastly I like DECEMBER because it is Christmas time and I can finally bust out my winter boots that I get to wear about 2 weeks out of the year here in Texas***

2. What is the best candy to get while trick or treating?
***The old time bubble gum that is super hard to chew and the flavor lasts for about 5 minutes.***

3. What kind of pen do you use?
*** Whatever is available at my desk or with me when I need one, I do prefer blue ink over black but hey when you need a pin beggars can't be choosers***

4. You go to a new Italian restaurant, what is your go-to order?
***Fettechine or Ravioli, Its really hard to mess those up***

5. If you could choose to have any celebrity’s hair, who’s would you choose?
***Jennifer Aniston or Jessica Beil, don't ask me why I just like the way their hair looks***

6. What’s your favorite board game?
***Trouble, Monopoly, Scrabble, Candy Land***

7. Do you know how to play poker?
*** Nope, I can kinda play Blackjack***

8. What do you think about Old Navy commercials?
*** When they used to use the dog I thought the were super cute but now with the whole Manican

9. What hurts worse- a stubbed toe or a paper cut?
*** Stubbed toe with out a question. I stub my toe on a daily basis or have something dropped on them so I know the pain very well and I do not like it**
10. What’s your favorite kind of pie?
***Pumpkin or Apple***

Ten on Tuesday

1. Do you wear glasses, contacts, or are you one of those perfect eyed people?
Glasses, I used to wear contacts and then when I was pregnant I never could get them in so I started wearing glasses. I tried to put my contacts back in after I had Kelbie but my eyes just don't like them anymore, so I sport the glasses now. Luckily mine don't look to bad so its okay.

2. What is the next item you are going to purchase?
The rest of my Christmas Presents

3. Have you ever watched Judge Judy or any other real court show?
At some point I am sure I have watched Judge Judy but I really don't like that stuff.

4. How do you feel about fake nails?
I love them. I used to wear them all the time and haven't had them on in at least 6 months. Time to go get them done again. My nails are so messed up from them and they don't grow but I like they way they look.

5. What is your favorite sport to watch?
AGGIE Football

6. If you could create your own Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor, what would it be and what would it be named?
That is a good question. I am not good at coming up with things and I don't like a bunch of weird flavors. I stick to the normal flavors. I really would like a dark chocolate peppermint flavor. They might already make something like that but I wouldn't know.

7. Do you have any scars?
Yes a couple. I have one under my chin from stitches when I was little, on on my chest from a mole that was removed and a few on my legs form misc things.

8. Does your pet’s name fit them? Is there a more appropriate name?
I guess. I have never really thought about it. My brother named Indiana and I guess it fits her, she has the marking of a cow and sometime we call her Indiana Moo. Lizzie we didn't name as we got her as a stray kinda and her old owners had already named her. Jersey I think fits her. I have always liked that name and knew I would never name my child that so the dog got stuck with it. Now I just need a Lucy and my names will all be complete.

9. What is your favorite television show theme song?
Gilligan Islands, Pretty Little Liars and Psych

10. What was your favorite activity on the playground?
Used to be the swings but now I feel sick when I swing so I guess I would have to say the slides. Kelbie loves to swing and slide so I will just live through her when she swings.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Trystan Grace Boyer
8lbs 9oz 21.5in

We are so excited to have a niece. She is a lot bigger then I thought she would be. Brayden was so tiny that I was sure Trystan would be too. Kelbie did great meeting her new Cousin. She was a little unsure at first but once she warmed up she loved being around and holding Trystan. She did give Shannon the same look Brayden gave me when I was in the hospital. I think the wires and stuff confuses them.

A few photos from our first visit with Trystan Grace...

Kelbie loves her new Cousin

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Take One

So we thought it would be a great idea to take Kelbie to see Santa this year. We went last year but she was so little she didn't know the difference. So my first thought was she is a pretty outgoing kid so this should be no big deal, we might not get a smile (as she isn't into taking pictures these days) but we could at least get a somewhat decent picture with Santa. My second thought was she was going to be like most kids her age and totally freak out with Santa. Well my second thought was right. She cried from the minute I set her down in his lap until a few minutes after I picked her up. Better luck next year I guess. Picture below didn't turn out to bad considering. We might go again in a week or two to the Bass Pro Shop in Pear land, heard it was free and maybe she will warm up to the Santa idea a little more.

I took a picture of the picture so it didn't come out to well, but you get the picture of the pure terror on her face!

Photo Dump!

Okay that didn't last...

So I started the whole 365 days of blogging and I have given up. It sounded like a really cool idea when I started but now I don't like it. I can't remember to blog everyday and sometimes I have nothing to blog about so I have deleted the posts and I am going back to my normal blogging.  So since I have missed normal blogging for about a month now this one is going to be a photo dump and random blogging. 

So first up was Halloween, Kelbie was a flapper girl and I thought she looked super cute. James had to work late so he missed her first official Halloween, but there is always next year. We only hit up a few houses but she loved the concept of getting candy. She also got to have her first sucker that night. She loved it but it was all over her, me and the chair when we got done.

Next we celebrated James's birthday which there is a previous post. He is 2 years away from being 30 and I don't think he likes that very much but hey it happens to everyone.

Nothing to exciting has been happening in November. Kelbie no longer takes classes at Little Gym, we found a new place called Great Play that we love. It is different from Little Gym and Kelbie loves going to class there and the owner and staff are very nice. We miss a few of our friends from Little Gym but I just couldn't have her in class there anymore with everything that was going on. I know most of the people still love going there but if someone asks I tell them to go check out Great Play.

Thanksgiving was good this year. My 26th birthday feel on Thanksgiving so I had turkey for my birthday. It happens about every 6 years or so. It was also the last time the Aggies and longhorns played each other. I am a little sad at how the game ended but hey what can you do. Kelbie had the cutest little turkey outfit and I am hoping that it will fit again next year so we can get lots of use out of it. The picture didn't come out to good as my child doesn't like pictures anymore. (Picture of just the outfit below)

This coming Monday Kelbie will be getting a new Cousin. Trystan Grace is scheduled to be born sometime around 12:30pm. I am anxious to see what she looks like and how Brayden reacts. I know Kelbie is still to young to understand but I am hoping she does well and it will get her used to the fact of a baby whenever James and I decide to have another one.

I am very excited for Christmas this year. I just started shopping yesterday on BLACK FRIDAY. I wasn't one of the crazy ones out at midnight. I waited until 9am and still found great deals and didn't have to fight all the people. I would say the best place for deals was Target. I got Brayden's Christmas taken care of and it didn't cost me very much at all. I am done shopping for Kelbie for the most part, James and Brayden. I know what I am getting everyone else I just have to wait to get more money to finish. I am finding it hard to shop for Trystan and you would think it would be easy. She is only going to be a month old (Kelbie was only 2.5 months) but I just can't seem to find the perfect gift. I still have time though so hopefully something will jump out at me. I am most excited that Kelbie will be getting a swing set from SANTA this year. She loves to swing and slide and I feel that with one in our backyard she will be able to do that more, plus our backyard is perfect for one.

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and is getting ready for Christmas. Our inside is already done and we are deciding about the outside. I love having our tree up all decorated and to see how Kelbie reacts this year now that she is old enough to somewhat understand the holidays. Until next time :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Questions

1. What are your pantry staples?

Pasta, Chips, Cookies, Cereal
2. What are your refrigerator staples?
Milk, Yogurt, Juice, Fruit
3. You already look like Heidi Klum (or your favorite supermodel). Now, what are the top three non-physical things you would change about yourself?
How I handle Money, I would learn to prioritize my house stuff better, I would try to be less stubborn
4. What’s holding you back from your dream job? (If you already have your dream job, how did you get there?)
College Degree
5. You have $500 to spend but it has to be on one item only. Go.
Flat Screen TV
6. What is something that you are embarrassed to admit you buy on a regular basis?
Little Debbie Brownies
7. What’s in/on your bed every night?
Blanket, Pillows, and at least 1 dog
8. What is a non-necessity item that, no matter how expensive it gets or how tight your budget if, you will always find room for it?
Victoria Secret underwear and bras
9. What is the weirdest sandwich you’ve ever made?
Nothing weird I eat normal sandwiches
10. Would you rather: Be banned from Pinterest forever, but gain a million captive Twitter followers; or, never get on Facebook again but gain five thousand blog readers?
Be banned from Pinterest

 1. What’s your favorite television show for each day of the week?
Monday- The Sing Off
Tuesday- NCIS and Last Man Standing
Wednesday- CSI and PSYCH
Thursday- Not Sure
Friday- CSI NY
Saturday- Not Sure

2. How many times do you wear your jeans before you watch them?
Usually only 2
3. What is your favorite pasta shape?
Ziti or Bowtie
4. Do you read newspapers?
5. Do you sleep in socks?
No I hate anything on my feet, I don't even use the blanket on my feet
6. Favorite genre of movies?
7. How do you feel about wrestling?
James watches it Monday and Thursday so needless to say I sometime watch it but most of the time I go into the bedroom at watch something else. I used to watch it with him all the time but then it got old.
8. Should men pluck their eyebrows?
I guess it is up to them
9. Do you have dimples?
10. Do you like to camp?
I haven't done it since I was little, but I guess it would be okay. I don't really like bugs though so it could be a problem. I highly doubt camping will ever happen in our household, but only time will tell.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Our Weekends

When James isn't working and we don't have anything planned, this is how you will find him. He is completely obsessed with Call of Duty. He now has the headset and everything to go along with it. He literally will spend all day doing this. It really is like being married to a 10 year old. I do everything while he sits and plays video games. Welcome to my life!

Friday, November 4, 2011

James Birthday

Happy 28th Birthday James. We celebrated by opening gifts and having dinner at Carinos! Only 2 more years till the big 3-0!

Monday, October 24, 2011


These are my absolute FAVORTIE and I loved almost every single one of them so only posting a few on here was hard. These turn out so much better then the ones we had done at the mall for her birthday. I guess you get what you pay for at Picture People. I will still be using them though.

I think she may have a future in modeling, but dont tell James

I love how you can see all of her teeth in this one!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sneak Peak...

Lauren took some awesome pictures of Kelbie for us this past weekend and I can't wait to see all of them. We took some One year and some Halloween pics. Here is by far my favorite picture that I have seen. Thank you so much Lauren for coming and taking them for us. You do an awesome job every time.

Boring Update... Sorry!

So after all the events of last week, things have finally calmed down. Kelbie's pediatrician wants us to do a follow up with a Neurologist since her fever got so high. I now have to wait to hear back from them as to when they can get us in. It will be at Texas Children's just like her ENT. I did schedule her follow up for her ear and we will be doing that December 1st to see if anything has changed. Her appointment is in the afternoon which means I will be spending my whole afternoon at the Med Center. Yay! I totally can't wait.

We had family day on Sunday and it was very nice to spend the day all together. We headed to the Zoo in the morning. Kelbie loved it. She was actually able to enjoy the animals this time and was pointing at all of them. After about 2.5 hours at the zoo we headed back to Sugarland and grabbed lunch at Jappenaros. Kelbie was a trooper after not having a morning nap. After lunch we took her home so she could get some sort of nap in. I was able to run some errands while she slept which was nice to not have to worry about carrying her in and out of the stores. I will post pictures from the zoo later today. I do think that will have to be something we do at least once a month.

Nothing else really going on in our lives. I feel like my blogs are kinda boring lately but nothing to exciting is going on. Halloween is just around the corner and I am excited to take Kelbie out for the first time and then comes Thanksgiving and the arrival of baby Trystan. Post again later.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

First Trip to the ER

Well Kelbie had her first trip to the emergency room Tuesday night. We went to her One Year appointment that afternoon and everything was good. She got all her shots and we came home. She was given Tylenol before her shots and I gave her some Motrin before bed.  Well at 9pm she woke up screaming, when I went to get her she was shivering and a little warm. I took into my room and thought that she would fall back asleep with me. Well that didn't happen. I kept checking her temp and it just kept getting higher and higher. At about10:30pm it was up to 103.8, time to go to the er. Kelbie has never had a temp that high from shots. At max it has been like 102.5. So we headed to St. Michael's which I now know from her Pedi that is not the place to take babies. She recommends St. Luke's or the little Nighttime Pediatric place by Babies R Us. Anyways so we get to the er and they do all their stuff. Basically 2 hours later we are heading home, with the assumption that it is just from her shorts. To be honest that is what I thought it was but I also wasn't completely happy with that answer since her temp was so high. I ended up calling her Pedi Wednesday morning and told them what had happened so of course she wanted to see her. I left work early and took her up there. She also checked her out and they did a urine sample which looked good and just told me to keep her on Motrin and I could alternate Tylenol if needed.  She was going to talk to a neurologist about the shots and see if Kelbie is one of the few that has weird effects from certain shots and she should call me by the end of the week.

Her fever broke last night and I was super excited. I had already planned to stay home today just because the doctor wants us to monitor her fever closely. She woke up crying again this morning and when I took her temp it was back up. Only 102.6 this time but still high. Hoping that it will break by the afternoon and I wont have to be to concerned about it anymore. I am just glad that it was nothing serious and just caused by her shots. Lesson learned that Kelbie can not take that many shots at one time. She had a total of 5 on Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One Year Ago Today

Kelbie's 1st birthday is officailly here. I can't believe that a year ago today we were in the hospital waiting on her to arrive. I still remember that day very well. Now if you want to be technical her birthday isn't until 11:24pm but hey we will all be alseep by then.

In the past year our little Monkey has grown so much. She was born a big girl and has continued to grow even bigger. She has always been off the chart on everything. Her one year appointment is this afternoon and I am sure the stats will be the same, although she has started to level out. She is very tall and not as chunky anymore. In the last month alone she has changed a bunch. She now has 8 teeth and I think she is working on the 9th. She isn't only walking but running. She can turn every direction when she walks and luckily we haven't had any major falls with our new walker.  She also got her first offical pair of shoes from Stride Rite a few weeks ago. Talk about more money then I spend on my own shoes, but totally worth it. Also Nana bought this pair so it was to bad. I am in the process of deciding what her next pair is going to be.

She still isn't talking much. She babbles all the time and I swear she has said a few new words but only like once. I have heard words such as Hi, K, and Jersey. I am pretty sure Jersey didnt' happen but hey you never know she is pretty smart.  I am sure her doctor will tell me where she need to be today. I am not worried though, she hold her own conversation in her own language all the time.

We have started to eliminate the formula. I am mixing half formula and half milk. We have had no reactions yet, so I am hoping that is a good sign. I try and to table food as much as possible but we are still doing baby food. She loves everything that I give her for the most part. Its more me that wants to wait a little longer to get rid of baby food since she doesn't have her molars yet. My child can eat though. What one year old do you know that can eat a whole happy meal, most of a kids meal from any resturant and even after eating a full meal will still want whatever you are eating. She really loves to eat.

Weight: 24 lbs 3oz
Height: 31.75 inches
Head: 19in

Monday, October 10, 2011

Kelbie's First Birthday

On Saturday we celebrated Kelbie's 1st Birthday. It was a show. My mom did almost all the decorations. I am sure Kelbie will not remember this party but that is okay. I promise next year is not going to be as elaborate as it was this year.  Our theme this year was Pink and Zebra and we went all out. We had Pin the tail on the Zebra, a zebra pinata, and a bounce house for the kids. It wasn't zebra but had I been able to find one it probably would have been. Now that this one is over it is time to start thinking about next years... J/K well kinda. Here are some pics from the party. More are on Face book. They are a little out of order, this is how blog spot uploaded them, I guess I take what I can get.

Her birthday outfit. She had a matching tutu that you can't really see in this picture.

Highchair banner!

Pinata time!

Bounce House! She loved it!

Pin the Tail on the Zebra

Kelbie & her boyfriend Trey were fighting over the car!

I love this little munchkin!

Time for cake

Zebra balloons

One of my old co-workers made this for her and I love them.

Goodie Bags

Food Table

Birthday Pictures

Happy Birthday Banner

1 Balloons