Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ten on Tuesday Part 2

1. What is your favorite month?
*** I have a couple and for different reasons. First I like APRIL, James and I got married in April but I have always like that month, I guess because the weather is a good combo of Texas weather. I also like JUNE and JULY simply because they are summer months and I love hot weather. Lastly I like DECEMBER because it is Christmas time and I can finally bust out my winter boots that I get to wear about 2 weeks out of the year here in Texas***

2. What is the best candy to get while trick or treating?
***The old time bubble gum that is super hard to chew and the flavor lasts for about 5 minutes.***

3. What kind of pen do you use?
*** Whatever is available at my desk or with me when I need one, I do prefer blue ink over black but hey when you need a pin beggars can't be choosers***

4. You go to a new Italian restaurant, what is your go-to order?
***Fettechine or Ravioli, Its really hard to mess those up***

5. If you could choose to have any celebrity’s hair, who’s would you choose?
***Jennifer Aniston or Jessica Beil, don't ask me why I just like the way their hair looks***

6. What’s your favorite board game?
***Trouble, Monopoly, Scrabble, Candy Land***

7. Do you know how to play poker?
*** Nope, I can kinda play Blackjack***

8. What do you think about Old Navy commercials?
*** When they used to use the dog I thought the were super cute but now with the whole Manican

9. What hurts worse- a stubbed toe or a paper cut?
*** Stubbed toe with out a question. I stub my toe on a daily basis or have something dropped on them so I know the pain very well and I do not like it**
10. What’s your favorite kind of pie?
***Pumpkin or Apple***

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