So yesterday was James and I's 2nd Wedding Anniversary. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. So last night we actually got to go out by ourselves without Kelbie since she was born. She spent the night with her cousin Brayden and Aunt Shannon. She had a blast playing over there. She got to play in the sandbox and the pool then she took at bath in the big tub with Brayden. So while she was having a blast over there James and I went out to dinner. We went to this Sushi place off of I-10. It was a pretty good place, but I don't know if it is worth the drive everytime I want to eat sushi. I was so proud of James for even taking me there because he HATES sushi. He ate it and he even ordered a roll that had raw salmon on top and cream cheese inside. For those of you who know James he hates anything raw and he really hates cream cheese. He even said he would eat it again so I was shocked and excited. After dinner we came back to the house and relaxed. It was weird not having Kelbie here to tend to, but it was nice and I think we will have to do it alittle more now that I know she does fine away from our house. A few things that have happened to us in our 2nd year of marriage:
*All settled into our house, but still attempting to remodel and make it our own
*Found out we were having a little girl
*Went from a 2 income family, to 1 and then back to 2
* Welcomed out baby girl in October
Not a whole lot going on with us in our 2nd year of marriage, but that is okay. Maybe our next year will be more entertaining, but if not that is okay with me too.
Easter 2009 2weeks before we got married! |
Easter 2011 married 2 years! |
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