Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

Provided by a non-blogging, math teacher friend of RootsandRings. I am horrible at math so this is going to be interesting. Happy reading!

0.01×10^2. What was your best/worst day in math class?
Well since I have hated math since the 4th grade thanks to my math teacher, I pretty much hated everyday that I had math, which was every day, every year until Senior year when I choose not to take math class.

20×10^-1. Who was your favorite/least favorite math teacher? Why?
Well my least favorite math teacher was Mrs. Meschi (pretty sure I spelled her name wrong) in the 4th grade. She was so mean. She basically set me up for failure.  My favorite math teacher was Mrs. Russow. She was very chill and down to earth. She tried to help me get the hang of Geometry even though I had no clue what I was doing.

3×10^0. Is it okay to be bad at math if English is more your thing?
Sure I guess. I mean everyone has their strong subjects and their weak subjects. I personally wasn't good at either. It really is amazing that I graduated from High School with somewhat decent grades and I had more then the amount of credits you needed to graduate. This here is why College just didn't work out for me.

0.4×10^1. How does this video make you feel?
Pageants are not in the future for Kelbie or any of our children for that matter. Have you seen Toddlers & Tiaras, I mean come on that is a little over the top. I guess there is something for everyone though, but I will not waste what little money I have on that.

500×10^-2. What do you like/not like about math?
What do I like about math? That is a good question as I don't really like it at all. I guess I like some of the basic things I learned in school, I do like the trick I learned for multiplying by 9's.  What I don't like. Just about everything related to math. I really don't like when they add the letters in with the numbers as it just completely confuses me.

0.006×10^3. What makes someone a nerd?
Scy-fi geeks (sorry if you are reading this and you are one) and people who wear socks with sandals. They are called sandals for a reason.

7×10^0. Who is the nerdiest person you know?
I am not sure I really know anyone personally that is a big nerd. I guess everyone is a nerd in their own way with something right?

80×10^-1. What is the nerdiest thing you’ve ever done?
I have no idea. I am sure James or one of my friends would be able to better answer this question. I am sure I have done a ton of nerdy things but they might not seem nerdy to me.

0.9×10^1. Do you think GraphJam is funny?
I had never heard of this so I just googled it and it looks interesting. I am going to look at it some more and see if I find it funny

10×10^1. Have you ever used math outside of school?
Yes and no. I have to do basic math, but I haven't had to use Pre-Algebra or Geometry since High School. Now if I had a job that was math or numbers related I would probably use this stuff more. Its like everyone says, "Why do you really need math, you will never use it outside of school". This is a basically true statement

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