Monday, May 14, 2012

Allergist Part Two

After blood work and a skin test we now know what Kelbie is allergic to. I am very happy that it was only one thing and that it wasn't the animals. Turns out she is allergic to Dust Mites. Simple right? Well yes but it is the most common and the hardest to get rid of. These are the things her Allergist recommends in order to make it better for her....

1. Remove all carpet... If you have seen my house, that is all there is expect in the bathrooms and kitchen :/
2. Don't use a humidifier (which we don't unless she is very congested)
3. Buy a hepa-filter for the ac as well as a hepa-filter vacuum
4. She recommends no Carpet Cleaning because it leave the carpets damp and muggy
5. Don't use a ceiling fan :( Unfortunately that isn't going to happen. I keep them on in every room except hers.
6. Purchase a dust mite protector for her pillow and mattress.

So in order to make her life easier it is going to take some time and money on our part. I have already purchased the mattress cover for her crib and when we move her to the daybed I will purchase one for that bed. My parents and us have discussed removing the carpet and are in the process of getting estimates for hard wood. I am leaning towards us just buying it form Home Depot and installing it ourselves. It is probably cheaper and my parents have done it before in our old house. Hoping to have the carpets removed and hardwood installed by the end of summer, beginning of fall.

Over all I am very happy with her allergist and everything she has done to help us get some answers. She wants us to do a follow up with her ENT and then a follow up with her in August. We have many things to discuss with her ENT some related to this and other with her ear. I am hoping for a healthy little one once she goes to school, but I know that just means a whole new set up things she can get sick with.

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