Summer if coming to an end and I realized I haven't been updating as much as I normally do. That is mostly because there hasn't been much to really update about and I have been spending quality time with the little miss. So now that I have to go back to work next week I decided it was time to do a little updating.
It was miserably hot this summer so needless to say we didn't spend as much time outside as I thought we would. At the beginning of summer we took at trip to Colorado with my parents and had a great time. There is a post about our trip if you haven't already read it. After that we didn't do much besides hang out around the house, have a few play dates, take a few outings and spend way more money then we should have. Being a stay at home mom wouldn't work for me because I feel the need to go shopping pretty much everyday and that just doesn't work for my bank account.
As sad as I am that summer is coming to an end, I will be glad to get back into a routine, see Kelbie start her first year of school and have my husband back. Being a single parent during the summer isn't much fun. Having James work all these hours doesn't bother me but I sure to see things differently now that we have Kelbie. I can tell she misses her daddy and has become quite the mommy's girl since daddy isn't around much. I know it might sound crazy but I am a little bit ready to get back to work. I know I will regret saying that in about 3 weeks into school but I am used to working during the summer so it has taken some getting used to this summer.
I can't believe in about 2 weeks my little one with be starting preschool three days a week. I am hoping this will be a good adjustment for her. I feel that it will help her with her talking and she will be able to make more friends. I am very excited for her and I look forward to seeing her grow throughout the year. The other two days we have been lucky enough to find a great sitter. It took a couple not so good ones before we found the one we hired. She is only a couple years younger then me, when to Clements, graduated from UT Tyler and is in school to be a paramedic. Kelbie has a great time with her the few times she has been over, besides a few meltdowns once she realized I left, but I know it will be easier once she is with her everyday.
One last little bit of update. Kelbie will be getting another cousin next year. James's sister Mollie is pregnant again. Kiara isn't even a year old yet and to be completely honest I don't know how I feel about this. I know I should be happy for her but it hasn't hit me yet. I guess it is because I found out on facebook. She didn't even bother to call James or I. That got under my skin a little bit. The whole situation makes me a little angry, but that could be for my own personal reasons. Anyway she isn't that far along but is due in March so when I find out what she is having I am sure it will be posted here. It must be baby season again and I apparently missed the memo. Oh well, it will be my turn again sometime soon I hope.
Well, I hope everyone had a great summer and that the school year is good to everyone. I will post again about Kelbie's first day of school. Until then here are a few random pictures of our summer.
Helping me get her new playroom together |
She learned that taking her own picture was way more fun then smiling for mommy |
We tried dance class with a friend |
Kelbie had her first trip to the Circus and loved it |
Played with some playdough |
Watch tv in her pajamas in her ball pit |
Moved out of her crib and into a day bed |
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