How is this little man already 4 months old? It seems like he was just born yesterday. He is so full of energy and such a happy baby. He is trying so hard to roll over and every once in a while he will get it but hasn't mastered it on a regular basis yet. He still loves sucking his thumb or fist depending on which one he can get into his mouth first. Tummy time is becoming a little easier, he doesn't stream the whole time anymore and he still really loves laying on his back playing on his piano mat. We have started introducing rice cereal but he is not a fan. We are somewhat on a schedule but I am still not really forcing it. He is usually asleep at night from about 7 or 8 until 330-4 and then will eat and go back to sleep until about 630. He is eating 6oz about every 3-4 hours. Loves to be tickled and love to laugh and anyone and anything.
Lenght: 26"
Weight: 16lbs 9oz
He is so James's son. It is so hard for me to get
him to smile once he sees my phone. |
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