Half a year already? Now time is really flying by. At 6 months old Jaxon can roll in both directions, scoot all over the place, sitting by himself for a couple minutes and trying very, very hard to crawl. He has on bottom tooth in and the other one is almost in. You can see it under the gum but can't feel it yet. He has started enjoying meal time. We do Oatmeal and a fruit in the morning, rice cereal at lunch and rice cereal and a veggie at dinner with bottles in between. Sometimes he loves food other times he is more interesting in just playing with the spoon. I also started giving him fresh food like banana, avocado, broccoli and he will mess with it for a bit then get frustrated since he doesn't really eat it. He also kept his awesome blue eyes which i am so happy about. He is for sure a ladies man. He loves playing with all his toys and Kelbie. He also loves to laugh and be tickled.
Height: 28in
Weight: 20lb 8oz
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