In 3 short months this little guy will be ONE. Where has the time gone. It seriously seems like just yesterday he was born. He sure is a spunky little thing. At 9 months he loves eating. Any table food and he is set. I haven't put something in front of him that he hasn't like yet. He is pulling up on everything, crawling like a mad man, standing up on his one for a few seconds and babbling up a storm. He has 6 teeth, 4 on top, 2 on bottom. He loves playing with Kelbie even though she often doesn't want him to play with her. He loves chasing balls, chewing on anything and swinging. I expect him to start taking a few steps here shortly. Slow down little guy, your my last little one and I want you to stay little for a while.
Height: 30in (97%)
Head: 18.74in (98%)
Weight: 21lbs 14oz (84%)
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Kelbie asked to take a picture with him and this is the face she give me. As you can see Jaxon is less them impressed too. |
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