Monday, February 15, 2016

Beautiful Weather

The weather has been pretty fantastic around her lately so we have been taking advantage as much as we can. Kelbie asks to go to the park pretty much everyday and I finally gave it after school one day last week. They sure do love to just run, slide and swing as high as they can. Even Oliver has been enjoying being outside, crazy cat.

This has nothing to do with the weather, but Jaxon has figured out how
to get out of his bed and has been coming into my room to sleep. Sneaky
little thing as I never know he is in there until I wake up.

Oliver chilling on the roof. He jumps onto the shed, over to
the play house, onto a tree and onto the roof. Pretty
good considering he doesn't have any claws.

and they are off

He was made he could figure out how to get up the ladder

Sometimes they like each other

Sticks, that is all he needs to be happy when outside.

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