Thursday, May 12, 2016

Great Flood of April 2016

Once again Houston had massive rain which caused flooding. School was closed for 2 days, some school districts were closed for a week. After almost a month parts of Houston are still flooded. Needless to say it was an eventful time. When school as closed the first day it hadn't even started raining when they cancelled and about 10 minutes later this skies opened and my yard looked like the pictures below. Day 2 no flooding for us and the kids and I enjoyed the day together. We are very lucky that the flooding wasn't bad on our side of town and that we didn't have any damage from the weather. Our backyard was a giant swimming pool for most of the first day but that is about it.

James was not happy that he had to miss work,
so he sat in the garage and watched the rain
and the street flood.

This is the deepest our street has gotten since we have
lived there.

James was clearing out the drains to help with
the water, he was standing on the curb and the
water was that high. When he walked out to
almost the middle of the street, it was almost up to his
lower thigh.

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