Friday, May 30, 2014

Kelbie's 1st Dance Recital

This past year Kelbie begged us to put her in Dance. I gave in and signed her up at a really good dance school and she seemed to do pretty well most days. She had some great girls in class with her and has become good friends with a couple of them.She was so excited for her big recital. They preformed at the Stafford Centre and all the dances were adorable. I am so glad she wore the outfit considering she kept saying it was itchy and bothering her. She loved getting flowers at the end of her show too.
All ready to go before heading inside

So proud of her

Dance Girls: Sarah, Kelbie, Juliana, Mia, Cadence and Avery

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Family Photos -Sneak Peak

Our old babysitter took some family photos for us at the end of May.  They turned out pretty good considering the sun was extremely bright and in our faces. I think the color scheme turned out good too considering our outfits were a little last minute.  She captured some great shots of the kids and did some fun edits to them too. These are just a few of the ones that I like.

I love how the kids are doing their own thing because this is totally our normal life

The Best family photo we got

Fun edit with the baby blues

I love her

Jaxon sure does love his big sister

We haven't had a couple picture since 2007

Sunday, May 11, 2014