Saturday, June 28, 2014

Summer Soccer

After a year of Dance Kelbie was ready to try somethign else. She had seen her cousin Brayden play soccer a few times and was really interested in trying it out. We decided to put her in with I9 Sports. They were great and several friends also had kids playing with them. James helped coach the team which was really nice for Kelbie to have daddy on the field with her every game. It was a short season and most of the time I had to brib her to play but I think she enjoyed it. After every game they had a snowcone truck so she would always get to pick out her favorite flavor. She now constantly asks for an ICE CONE as she calls them. I think that might have been the only reason she wanted to go to soccer games.
Numeber 7

Jaxon had more fun playing then Kelbie did some days


Kelbie got awarded Weekly Sportsmanship

End Of Season Trophys

Daddy and Kelbie

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jaxon's 1st Birthday Pictures

Gotta love JcPennys for capturing my kids on their birthdays. This little man cracks me up and I can't believe he is about to be ONE.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


For Father's Day we drove out to this BBQ place that my dad always stops at on his way home from Louisiana. Jaxon loved it. He cleaned his plate. Couldn't help but capture him stuffing his face. I guess I know what to feed him if I want to know for sure that he will eat a good meal.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Swim Lessons

I put Kelbie in a survival swim class back when she was about 18 months old and she did pretty well. Well I didnt' do anythign with her after taht and this year she hates being in the pool. She will scream the whole time unless she is sitting on the steps of in the kiddy pool where she can touch. Even with floats she hates it. I decided she needed some kind of lesson to make her more comfortable in the water so that everyone could enjoy the pool. I found a girl out in Pecan Grove that was giving them for a decent price and decided to give it a try. Needless to say she didn't like it much and we ended up not even getting all of our lessons in. We plan on doing survival swim again next summer probably for both kids. Here are a few pictures of her attempting swim lessons.
Bubbles were the only thing that would get her to stay in the pool

Practicing kicking

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Jaxon 11 Months

How is this little guy already 11 months old. He is walking everywhere and getting into all kinds of boy trouble. He loves food, any kind of food. Whenever Kelbie has something he wants it too even if he just finished eating. He loves playing with cars and balls and being outside when its not a million degrees.