Sunday, July 25, 2010

Baby Shower

Kelbie and I were very blessed yesterday and the baby shower. Kelbie got many, many things that she needed as well as things that she will enjoy playing with and wearing. Thanks to everyone who came and a Big thanks to Shannon for throwing the shower. Here are few pictures from the day that I liked. More are on my facebook if you are interested in looking at them.

Her cake made by Gabby!
Diaper Cake made by Nana
Brayden kissing Kelbie :)
Little Cousin onesie to match Brayden's Big Cousin shirt
Shannon, me and my mom

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kelbie Update

So I took my Glucose test today, a little later then I normally should have but I got it done. It wasn't as awful as I had heard it would be. I am hoping to get my results in the next couple of days and not have to go and take the second test. 

Everything is looking good except that my blood pressure is starting to get a little high. Nothing that is to concerning as of yet, but she wants me to watch my salt intake for the next two weeks and see what it says next time I go in. Time to switch up the diet a bit, which is going to be a challenge.

I can't believe I am already on every two week doctor visits. Miss Kelbie will be here before we know it. We get to see her again in 6 weeks for our last ultrasound, which is really only our 4th. I feel like we haven't gotten near as many ultrasounds as some people. Let's hope that the Child birthing class we have signed up for will be very useful. My thought is that it is just going to fly out the window when the time comes, but better safe then sorry.

On another note, I am very excited for my baby shower on Saturday. It is going to be nice to see some family and friends that I don't get to see that often. I will post pictures as soon as I get them and will post all the amazing gifts that Kelbie is going to get. 

I am hoping my Internet will be working again by next week so that I can update on a regular basis instead of using my parents computer every few days. Well off to get things ready for this weekend. Saturday is going to be a busy day.

Extreme Makeover Home Edition

James and his company have been given and amazing opportunity to work with Extreme Makeover Home Edition on a house in Houston. This is the first time the show has been to Houston and James's company will be doing the AC. They will be knocking on the door this coming Sunday the 25th and then the building process begins. They will be complete on July 31st. All done in 106 hours from start to finish. The show will probably not air until October or November. James is very excited to be apart of this. I wish I was in the condition so that I could help out, but I will be able to go out and watch as well as be apart of the reveal. We have not been told of the location yet, but will find out Monday when James goes into work. So if you don't normally watch the show maybe you would like to tune in and watch since it is a location very close to all of us. I will keep everyone updated once we know more. I thought this was something really cool that not many people can say they get to do.

Friday, July 9, 2010

3 months and counting!

Only 3 more months to go. It seems like just yesterday we found out we were pregnant. I can not wait to meet our little girl in October. I am trying to stay busy until she gets here, but there is only so much I can do. I know once she is here I will wish I had just 5 minutes to myself to just relax, but I know it will all be worth it.

I am excited for my baby shower in 2 weeks that Shannon is throwing for me. It will be nice to see some of the people I haven't seen in awhile as well as some of those that I see almost every week.  All but 1 of the October mom's I know will be at the shower so that will be fun. I hope Kelbie will be getting a lot of the stuff that she really need so that James and I are set at least for the first 3 months or so.

My next goal starting in August will be to finish the little details of her nursery and get all her clothes, that I am sure she will be getting washed, folded, hung and organized. I also must start researching Pediatricians. If you have a recommendation I would greatly appreciate it. I am hoping most of the ones on our insurance are taking new patients, which will make things a lot easier and less stressful.

We are already planning our first family vacation with Kelbie. We will be traveling to Kansas the day after Christmas to visit James's family. It will be very nice to see all of them and for them to meet Kelbie. His mom and Josh are trying to come down when she is born, but there are plenty of relatives in Kansas that can't make it down here.  I also believe that my family is planning a trip to Colorado over the summer. I don't have many details on that trip yet as it was just mentioned to us a couple weeks ago.

People I know who are having babies (all girls) in October
* Due 10/3 Valarie with baby Adelyn Ruth Fallon
* Due 10/14 (same day as me) Paige with baby Bryce
* Due 10/23 Alann with baby N... she is not revealing the name until she is born

There are also quite a few other people I know that are having babies due before the end of the year or the first part of next year. It is for sure baby season. I am excited to see who else I know will be having a baby soon.