Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kelbie Update

So I took my Glucose test today, a little later then I normally should have but I got it done. It wasn't as awful as I had heard it would be. I am hoping to get my results in the next couple of days and not have to go and take the second test. 

Everything is looking good except that my blood pressure is starting to get a little high. Nothing that is to concerning as of yet, but she wants me to watch my salt intake for the next two weeks and see what it says next time I go in. Time to switch up the diet a bit, which is going to be a challenge.

I can't believe I am already on every two week doctor visits. Miss Kelbie will be here before we know it. We get to see her again in 6 weeks for our last ultrasound, which is really only our 4th. I feel like we haven't gotten near as many ultrasounds as some people. Let's hope that the Child birthing class we have signed up for will be very useful. My thought is that it is just going to fly out the window when the time comes, but better safe then sorry.

On another note, I am very excited for my baby shower on Saturday. It is going to be nice to see some family and friends that I don't get to see that often. I will post pictures as soon as I get them and will post all the amazing gifts that Kelbie is going to get. 

I am hoping my Internet will be working again by next week so that I can update on a regular basis instead of using my parents computer every few days. Well off to get things ready for this weekend. Saturday is going to be a busy day.


Shannon Boyer said...

Glad our appoitment went well! We are excited for Kelbie's shower this weekend too- Brayden is all ready with his Big Cousin shirt :)

Gabby Malcuit said...

I'm soooooooooo excited for you! Are you gonna do the 3d4d ultrasound? I told you about it, right? It's right over by like where Burger King and Luke's is. It was AWESOME!

Unknown said...

We aren't doing the 3d4d ultrasound. You did tell me about it. Our OB actually kinda does something similar so we got to see her in 3d at 19 weeks. They are really cool though!