Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ten on Tuesday (2)

1. From your childhood, what do you miss most about summer vacation?
Not having school or anything during the summer and being able to just enjoy summer with no responsibilities.

2. Are you going anywhere on vacation this summer?
Nashville... Packing up the baby with my  family minus James and staying for like 10days.

3. What foods do you like to barbecue?
Steak, Ribs, Chicken

4. How do you celebrate the fourth of July?
Fire Works with family and sometimes maybe a get together, just depends on the  year.

5. What’s your favorite beverage to drink in the summertime?

6. What movie are you looking forward to seeing this summer?
Something Borrowed, Bridesmaids, Hangover 2, Cars 2

7. In the car: windows down or AC?
AC unless its like February when it might actually be cold enough to not need AC

8. Have you ever had a summer fling?
Way back in High School

9. Do you wear sunscreen?
Yes SPF 15 or the Dark Tan stuff which is like SPF 4

10. Do you have any favorite summertime activities?
Attempting to get a tan. Going to the beach or the pool. We will see what  actually plays out this summer with James working and Kelbie still being little.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

So I totally stole this from a blog that I follow and it looks kinda fun so I think I am going to give it a try, I copied the info from the blog I follow so if anyone that reads mine wants to do it as well you can see where the questions come from.  Just:
   1) head over to Roots and Rings
   2) click on the "Ten on Tuesday" questions (posted sometime every Monday)
   3) answer them on your own blog
   4) Click on the Mr. Linky on Chelsea's Ten on Tuesday post.  The Mr. Linky is actually very simple and self explanatory.  It only took me about four or five posts to figure it out, so the average person should figure it out by the first or second time.

1. Have you ever used Craigslist?
      I have never bought anything off of there yet. I have tried to sell a few things and I am always browsing  on there to see if there is anything good. I have always heard great things about it though.

2. Can you sew?
      Not really. I can hand stitch a little but I leave all the major sewing projects to my mom. She makes Kelbie  all kinds of cute things.

3. Do you pour syrup on your pancakes or dip your pancakes in the syrup?
      Pour. I am all about the syrup

4. Rain storms: Love them or hate them?
     Both, it really just depends on  my mood when they come and what I am doing. I think  they are perfect for  staying inside and relaxing.
5. Do you like swimming?
      Yes. Can't wait to get to the pool and get a tan. Might  not  be in the perfect shape for swimsuit season but I just bought a really cute mommish swimsuit for the summer.

6. What kind of drink do you order at Sonic?
      Cherry Limade

7. Are you funny?
      I guess I can be. That would be a question to ask the husband.

8. At what age will your kids get cell phones?
      Well I would say maybe Middle School if  they are in after school activities, but these days kids have phones at like the age of 5 so who knows. Maybe things will be like they were when I was in school and didn't get one until I was driving.

9. What’s your favorite vegetable?

10. Were you a Girl Scout?
      Yep all they way up until I think like 8th grade. Wasn't the coolest thing in  the world but hey, I still love the  cookies though.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Family Photo Preview

My sister-in-law's sister Lauren  took some awesome pictures of us a few weeks ago near the Houston Zoo. These are the ones I have already, but I will be getting a CD with more proofs on it soon and can't wait to see  all the other ones. We got some good ones considering it was hot and Kelbie was sick. More to come when I get  the CD. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

7 Months

 I can't believe that Kelbie is already 7 months old. She is growing  up so fast. She is army crawling around everywhere, sitting up all by her self, and babbling up a storm. She even says Ma-Ma and Da- Da now, but I am not sure she knows who she is talking about when she says it. She is starting to attempt to pull up on things and can sit up in her crib after she wakes up from her nap. She is such a big girl. She loves eating and is doing really  well with a sippy cup. We are still playing around with different  brands to see which one works best for her. She also loves most solid food. We have tried... Broccoli, Cauliflower, Strawberries, Banana, Cantaloupe, Green Beans and Pasta, all of which she  pretty much likes. She also loves all baby food. Puffs and Mum  Mums are also a favorite of this little girl. Here is her 7 month picture. Family photos and update to come later.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New Friend!

Kelbie finally got to meet Bryce today. She lives in California and they were born days apart. Her mom and I know each other through my parents and some of their friends. She is cousins with Valarie who has Adelyn who is one of Kelbie's BFF's. I have been waiting to meet Bryce and was so excited that Paige made time for Kelbie and I to meet her in her short visit here. I was able to snap a few pictures but only a couple turned out cute. They will be back in December so I am hoping Kelbie and  Bryce will get to hang out a little more on the next visit. Here is the best picture I  got of  Adelyn, Kelbie and Bryce. Not the best but hey it is a pretty good try!

Adelyn, Kelbie and Bryce