Monday, September 29, 2014


The nurse at my school introduced me to this app called Fluidity. Both kids are mesmerized by it. Jaxon has really become a fan of it. Whenever he is fussy or I just need a few minutes to get something done I let him play on it and it at least gives me a few minutes

I am apart of an online moms group with Jaxon, we all meet when we were pregnant on a What To Expect Board and created a small Facebook group of about 40 of us. We have stated in touch since we all first found out we were pregnant and ever since out little ones were born we do gift exchanges every few months. Our awesome gift exchange mommy got this adorable Pirate costume for Jaxon for Halloween. He is just to cute to handle.

Mommy and Jaxon cuddle time.. I hope he stays a mommy's boy :)

Jaxon has loved cars for months now. We went to Kroger to pick up a few things and Kelbie wanted to get a car, well of course Jaxon wanted his own. So here he is checking out his very own, first hot wheels car. He was very happy and has played with it basically every day.

Coloring with Kelbie, She is slowly learning to share with Jaxon and let him do some of the same things she likes to do without hitting or pushing him.

Kelbie before school. She asks to get her picture taken before school almost every morning. She is so excited to go to school and loves when I tell her its a school day. I see 5 days calling her name next year.

Our puppys... They all are finally liking each other and we caught them all laying together during the Texans game. Olaf, our foster puppy Monty and Jersey.

Cousins at the Zoo

Friday was Fort Bend County Fair day, which meant no school for me and the kids. We decided to head to the zoo with Brayden and Trystan. Kelbie has been wanting to go and Jaxon had only been one other time. It was pretty nice outside so we didn't sweat to much. We started out riding the train then headed inside for lunch and to see all the animals. The kids all had a blast.

                                                    Riding the Train for the 1st Time

He was very excited when the whistle blew

Snakes, she now really likes them

Cousins playing

1st Carousal ride

Not bad trying to get them all to look

Rinos... Yes Jaxon does have his blanket when its 80-90 degrees

She insisted on riding in the front of Trystan's stroller.. Sorry
girlfriend I think you have surpassed the height limit

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Summer 2014 Photo Dump #2

Cousin Bath Time: Kelbie 3, Trystan 2, Brayden 5

Getting her bangs cut

So excited about her Rainbow Dash doll

This boy loves his smoothis

Where did my baby go

Stomping Grounds

Playdate with Trystan

Horsie Ride at Toys R Us

Poppn Pirate game


Her very first smiley face picture

Jaxon really wanted in the tub with the big kids

Best toy so far

Prezal and Icee face

Sissy & Bubba

Now that Jaxon is older Kelbie seems to really enjoy playing with him. Now there are times that she is a little rough and rude to him but she is great helper and big sister to him. I sure hope they have a great bond as they get older. My favorite is when she grabs Jaxon and asks me to take their picture. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE
Playing check out

She insisted on rocking him like a baby


Feeding him Jello


She really likes to feed him, funny thing is he always finishes
eating first and then gets down and goes to Kelbie for seconds.

Love them

Soccer Practice

Kelbie and James practiced kicking the soccer ball around in hopes of getting her more into soccer. She always talks about soccer but when it comes time for the games she really has no interest in playing. She seemed to enjoy a little quality time with daddy in the back yard.

2 Peas in a Pod

The dishwasher is apparently a really fun thing. Both kids found it around the same age. Memories I will cherish thats for sure.