Friday, May 1, 2015

Splash Day

 Splash Day is by far the best day at Kelbie's school. She was even more excited that I was taking off to come see here. They had a ton of different stations for them to play at. There was a car wash station, hockey with beach balls, sprinklers, Popsciles, and a huge water slide (if it wasn't $400 on Amazon we would own one). It was fun to see her with all her classmates having so much fun. She did end of hurting her neck some how at the end and I had to pick her up early and get her checked. She seems to have gotten a little whiplash while running in the sprinklers.
Modeling her swimsuit options

Jaxon waiting on Nana so I could watch Kelbie

Fishing station

No need for Hockey sticks, just throwing it was enough fun for Tate and Kelbie

Best Water Slide EVER

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