Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's Been Awhile!!!!

So I have totally been MIA for a few weeks. I haven't really had much to write about but decided I should probably update on what my little munchkin is up to these days. So my bff came to visit over spring break and she got to meet Kelbie for the first time. It was a short visit but we had alot of fun. Kelbie went to the Zoo for the first time when Vicki was here and she seemed to really enjoy it. I look forward to taking her more as she gets older and James will hopefully be able to come next time we go.

Kelbie is almost 6 months old. Where has the time gone. I feel like she is growing way to fast for me. She is on the verge of crawling. She rolls and scots all over the place. She can pull her knees up as if she is going to crawl but then falls back on her tummy. She just started to have interest in sitting up by herself. She can sit for a few minutes before she falls overs. My little girl is turing into a little person faster then I want her too.
James and I have been having a lot of fun watching her do all her new stuff and it is finally time to start bringing out all her older toys.

Easter is right around the corner and I am excited that Kelbie will have her own basket full of goodies this year. I am still on the hunt for the perfect basket and goodies for her but I still have a little time. The Monday after Easter is James and I's 2 year anniversary. It doesn't feel like it has been 2 years already. I never thought our lives would have changed so much in 2 years. It has been a blast and I wouldn't change anything that has gone on in the past  years.

Well I will upload some new pictures later on this weekend of Vicki's visit, the zoo and all the other things I have pictures of sincethe last time I updated here. I am going to try to update on a more normal basis instead of going a long time in between posts.

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