Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Same Old Thing

So I am offically done being a Nanny as of January. I was offered a full-time spot at Little Gym and decided that was the right step for me to take at this time. I am actually very excited about it. I will be in charge of making the parent-child lesson plans and I will be teaching more classes. I am hoping this is going to be a job that I will continue to love and eventually get the chance at a Managment spot.

James and I are heading to Kansas here in about 4 weeks for Thanksgiving. I am so excited to see his family again. They are definently the ones I get along with best. I am also excited to see Joshua again. Its only been 6 months but still. I am hoping one day he will be living here in Texas with us so we can see him everyday.

The new puppy Jersey is getting along great with Lizzie now. They play together all the time. I knew it wouldn't take her long to adust. Lizzie always seemed like she needed a playmate. NOw if Jersey would just stop chewing on things that she isn't supposed to be we would be in business.

Well I think that is all for the update. I know boring but I hardly have time to do anything now that I am taking on more hours at Little Gym and still Nannying. Maybe in January when things slow down a bit I will actually have more interesting things to write about.

Hope everyone is doing good and has a great Halloween. Pictures coming from the Little Gym Halloween Party as well as some of Brayden.

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