Thursday, April 1, 2010

Baby Willyard

Well I had another doctors appointment this past Monday and everything looks good. The baby actually looked like a baby this time during the ultrasound. It was kicking its legs all over the place. The heartbeat was 163. Not sure if that means Boy or Girl but we will find out on May 24th. James and I are both really excited about the months to come and I really can't wait to know what we are having. James is hoping for another Boy and I would like a Girl. If you would like to place your guess, please due, it is interesting to see what everything thinks we are having. Hope everyone has a good Easter. We will be finishing things at our house so that we can hopefully be living there by Sunday. Wish us luck!!!


Gabby Malcuit said...

I'm not a wagering enthusiast, but since I have a 50/50 shot, I'll say it's a girl.

Lindsay Mecham said...

Hi Tiff! :-) I am so glad you started following my blog so I could find yours.

Wow. A baby and a house!! It seems like just the other day we were at Settlers Way Elementary school. I'm excited for all the blessings in your life and am excited to now stay a little more up-to-date via blogosphere.

Happy Easter!