Thursday, April 22, 2010

One Year of Marriage

Tomorrow we leave for our Anniversary trip! I wish it was longer then it is going to be but with my work schedule that just isn't going to happen. We are heading  down to Galveston for the night to enjoy the beach and a nice hotel. I can't believe that on Sunday we will be married for One Year. It really does seem like just yesterday that we got married. I never thought the first year would go by so fast. It has been a very interesting first year that is for sure and it wasn't always the easiest, but we made it though and are looking forward to many more to come.  Here are  just a few things we did in our first year of marriage:

* Had an amazing honeymoon in Jamica and Grand Cayman
* Purchased a new/used car
* Visited James's family in  Kansas for Thanksgiving
* Adopted a new puppy (Jersey)
* I started working at a job I really love
* Found out were are pregnant due in October
* Moved out of the first place we called home as a married couple
* Moved into our first house

Those are the big things I can think of. Pretty normal first year of marriage I guess. I am looking forward to many more to come and adding our first little one to the picture to enjoy the times with us. I love you James and am so happy that you were brought into my life. Things really are pretty perfect when we are together. Hopefully my camera cord will appear this weekend or we will get a new one so I can upload belly pictures as well as our Anniversary Trip pictures when we get back. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

On a side note Happy One Year Anniversary to Justin and Julianne Kowrach!
I know we didn't know each other when we got married but I am glad that we have had the chance to become friends over the past few months thanks to the Davenports. Enjoy your weekend away to the  Hill Country. Drink some for me please :)

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