Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Christmas was very good this year. We spent Christmas Eve with my family. We went to church at Houston Baptist then heading back to my parents house to eat and open gifts. Brayden opened his gifts while dinner was warming up and made it about half way through dinner before he was ready to go to bed. After dinner the adults got to open all of ours up.
     James ended up getting golf balls, a golfing coin game for the golf course, sports athority giftcard, movies, wii nunchucks and a shirt from my family. I gave him another shirt, some nice shoes and The Hangover. His stocking stuffers were pretty good too... Tobacco, boxers, candy and nuttybutter bars.
     I got a I Love Lucy blanket, some movies, boots, clothes and the best gift of all TAYLOR SWIFT TICKETS (thank you D & S) from my family. James got me a jacket, jeans, some shirts and a cross necklace. Stocking stuffers for me were... candy, The Ugly Truth, stationary, and a new phone charger.
Christmas was really good this year and I am looking forward to the concert May 25th with my brother.

On Christmas day we went back over to my parents house for breakfast and to open the gifts they got the animals. Jersey got a new bed for her cage, Lizzie got a car hammock to keep them in the back seat when they are in the car with us, and Indiana got some cat litter. Nothing to exciting and that will not be something that continues next year.  After breakfast we went to see Alvin and the Chipmuncks the Squeakual. Good movie. I still think the first one was better but I will probably by the second one when it is out on video. They we headed back to my parents house to hang out and we ended up watching on of my dad's Dale Earnhart collector movies that he got for Christmas. It was pretty good.

Now we are finally home and watching some of our movies we got and try to make since off all the stuff everywhere. Tomorrow we will be  taking down the decorations and starting to organize for the move in April since I am off I am going to start organizing and putting things together in crats that we dont use. I know its early, but I will not have time come March when all the packing will need to be done. 

Hope everyone had an AWESOME Christmas. I look forward to reading about them later one.