Thursday, August 5, 2010

70 Days

I  can't believe that in 70 days or less Kelbie will be here. The doctors  appointment today went well. My blood pressure is normal again and my weight gain isn't crazy, so I guess that  mean I will still be  watching my salt until she arrives. My OB says everything looks great. I did have to get a shot because of  my blood type, which was expensive and didnt' exactly feel that great. It is to protect both of us during delivery as  well as any other kids James and I might decide to have later on. I am hoping to have a better idea as to if they think she might be early or late here in the next 2-4 weeks.  We get our last ultrasound in  2 weeks and they should  be able to tell me her weight and everything. Very Exciting.  It really does seem like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant and now we will be holding her very soon.

I am a planner and have already written out my list of things I need to pack in my hospital bag. I have packed the diaper bag for  Kelbie with her take-home outfit and a few other outfits for the hospital. Also included a blanket, headbands and bows and few other misc things that we might  need. I probably will pack my hospital bag here in a few weeks once I stop working. You never know when she will want  to make her appearance into the world, and I would like to be as ready as I can.  If you have any suggestions of helpful things to pack for me, James or Kelbie please let me know.

The only other thing worrying me is  the dogs. I really hope they will adjust well to her. We will be bringing home baby blankets for them to smell before she comes home. They have a lot of work to do  on calming down  and what not in order for this to work. I would really hate to have to find them a new home, but if that is  what is best for Kelbie then that is what we will have to do. I am giving them about a  month to adjust and make it work or I will be finding them a new home. James will probably tell everyone differently as he does not want to get rid or them.

I will be posting more as the rest of the time goes on. Probably weekly updates.I want  to have everything documented  and that way anyone who reads our blog will know what is going  on and when she arrives. I know one person reads this blog who actually refuses to speak to us, so maybe they will come  around  and want to meet their granddaughter and if not then that is fine. I guess they can live her life through this blog. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Shannon Boyer said...

We are praying for them as well- we pray that Kelbie is able to form a good relationship with all of her family!

Julie Emmons said...

So you have O negative blood. Me too! I got the shot and then had Mike tested and turns out he has O negative, too, so I did not have to get the one after delivery. But the shot will be worth it after you meet your baby! Sorry about the family. It's a hard situation and it will never get easier. Trust me. I know first hand :(