Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ten on Tuesday

1. What did you do this weekend?
Not much really. It was pretty chill. James worked on Saturday for most of the day so Kelbie and I hung out and went to Babies R Us. Sunday James and I mowed the grass and stuff while Kelbie napped and then we played outside on the swing set.

2. Do you prefer short fingernails or long fingernails?
Short. I always bite my nails so they never get very long and when I get fake nails I make them cut them pretty short. I guess its because I have never had nails so I can't really function with them if they are long.

3. What is your favorite use for Pinterest?
Everything. I am totally addicted to that site. I have tried a few recipes that have turned out okay. I think right now my favorite part is all the crafts. I have done several for around the house and I have a ton that I want to try with Kelbie when I have some free time.

4. Do you sleep with your mouth open?
I don't think so. Maybe if I am congested I do, but I am pretty sure I sleep with my mouth closed. Maybe James can answer that question. He would know I am sure.

5. Where did you have the best pizza you’ve ever eaten?
I don't know if there has been a place with the best pizza ever, but ones for Chicago are pretty good. It doesn't take much to impress me with pizza. I am pretty happy with almost any kind even most frozen ones.

6. What do you eat for breakfast on weekdays?
Yogurt, Oatmeal, Bagel, Pop tart, Fruit. It really depends on what I grab on my way out the door. Those are the items I usually choose from.

7. Do you watch awards shows? Why or why not?
Usually. I always watch the Country awards and the Video Music awards. I tired to watch the Oscars the other night but it really wasn't holding my interest. If I don't watch them I at least DVR them so that I can' fast forward and see what I want to see.

8. Can you whistle? Snap? Curl your tongue? Bend down and touch your palms to the ground?
I can do all but touching my palms to the ground. I used to be able to do that but I am not flexible anymore. I miss those days when I go do all kinds of things and it not be a challenge. Maybe I should exercises and stretch and see if I can get back to where I was in high school :)

9. What email service do you use?

10. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
I like playing outside with Kelbie when it is nice, but to be completely honest I like to just lay out and tan. I have always like to do that and I am hoping the weather is going to start being nice so that it can happen. I am so white I feel like I look like Casper!

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