Wednesday, April 11, 2012

18 Month

18 Months already? Where has the time gone. Only 6 more months until she is 2. She is no longer a baby, but a toddler and a very active one at that. She is changing every day, people keep telling me that she is starting to look more like me, but I have to tell you I still think she looks a lot like James. His genes are just more powerful. Here is what the little one has been up too lately...

- She has officially been accepted to pre school which she will be starting at the end of August going 3 days a week and spending the other 2 at a daycare. I am not sure how she is going to react to it, but I am pretty excited about it and really feel like it was a good decision.

- She babbles none stop but refuses to say any real words. She started taking speech about 3 weeks ago and goes twice a week in hopes of getting some words out of her. Her therapist says that she is hearing more sounds and vowels so maybe we are on the right track.

- This girl loves to be outside. Doing side walk chalk, swinging, sliding (all by herself, climbing up and all) and just running around. She thinks it is hilarious to chase the dogs around the back yard and try to get catch them.

- She has become quite the picky eater. She used to eat just about anything and now even the things she used to love, she refuses to eat. No veggies unless they are in baby food form.

- She does love pretty much all fruit, peanut butter crackers, grilled cheese, quesadillas, milk, juice, yogurt raisins, cereal, yogurt, fish sticks, bread, etc.

- We tried to move her back into her booster seat, but she still very much prefers to sit in the high chair. She likes to climb into it herself whenever she is ready to eat. We have one that is adjustable so it sits pretty low to the ground.

- Tantrums are a new thing around our house, whenever she wants something and doesn't get it we scream and cry. This goes for everything.

- No longer enjoys bath time. She doesn't sit, but wants to stand and cries when the water gets on her head. We have now resorted to her taking a shower with me and are trying to get her back into the bath tub. She did do okay last night in the tub while daddy was in there.

- Still sleeping like a champ. Goes to bed around 7-730pm and wakes up around 6-630am during the week and will sleep till sometimes 730am on the weekends. She does still take 2 naps a day but this summer we will be going to one to get her ready for school.

- Still not a fan of the potty and doesn't show much interest in potty training. Hoping to give it a try this summer and get her comfortable with it.

- She has a new found love for play dough. We bought her some a few days ago. She hasn't gotten the hang of what you are supposed to do with it. She just wants us to open up all the containers and give her the colors. She doesn't like to mash or anything. We will get there. She is also very much into coloring. We leave the crayons, paper and coloring books out so that they are always accessible to her when she is ready to color.

I am sure there is more I didn't write but I can't really think of anything else right now. Here are her 18 month stats:

Height: 34.75 inches (off the charts)
Weight:26 lbs 10 oz (80%)
Head: 19.5 inches (95%)

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