Thursday, September 2, 2010

34 Weeks

Well today marks 34 weeks. We are in the home stretch now and I couldn't be more ready. I am so over being  pregnant and just want Kelbie to be here. My doctors appointment went  pretty good today. My blood pressure was high again, so I am going  to watch my salt again this  week and  I have to check my blood pressure throughout the week and if it stays high or goes higher then it was today I have to call them and  they will probably put me on medication  for the last few weeks. I am hoping I can keep it under control myself because I really don't want to have to be on  any medication. I have done good this whole time and I would hate for this to cause an issue so close to my due date. I start weekly visits next week and  they will be able to tell each week if any progress is being made. I know that if she does not come on her own that when my OB gets back from Europe on 10-11 she will most likely induce me. They do not want me going over my due date. I guess that gives me something  to look forward to even though I was kinda hoping I would get to meet Kelbie at the end of this month, but I can wait until she is ready or until the doctor tells me she has to be ready.

We got to view our Maternity Photos today and I love them. I wish I could order them all, but unfortunately I had to limit myself. I had about 11 to start with  and have it down to 6 that I really really want. I will spend more and go all out when we do our Newborn photos here in a few weeks. She did a really good job and once she  uploads them to her blog I will post the link on here so that you guys can see a few of them.

James and I will be taking our Childbirth class on Saturday and I am interested to see what it is all about. I know James isn't really that thrilled about going, but I want to go just so I have a general idea of what  to expect and everything. We will probably not do it with our second child so I want to do it at least once. It is an all day  things, so I am sure we will both be tired after the class. I am hoping I learn a lot and don't get to freaked out by what I might see or hear during this class.  I have already register with the  hospital so we  are good to go on that. I am excited to see the hospital as I have never been into this hospital before and they have been doing a remodel the past year. I will probably feel more comfortable about everything once I go on a tour and see how everything  is set up and done there.

I have the last meeting with a Pediatrician  today, so it will be time to make a decision after talking with this one. I like the first one, but I wasn't in love with her, so hopefully this one will be a little better. If not I guess my search will continue.  I never knew that  it would be such a tough decision to make, but then again  I have never  had to to choose a doctor before.

34 Weeks with 1 BIG baby!


Gabby Malcuit said...

I didn't get to see who you ended up taking the photos with, so I look forward to seeing them. I wasn't thrilled about taking the class either, but I liked the hospital tour.

Unknown said...

We ended up going with a lady named Lauren who lives in Sienna. I thought they turned out good. I can't post any on my facebook or anything but that is okay I guess!